~Part Five~

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chapter five

A couple weeks had went by and things were going good for Skylar. She had made some friends, memorized all her classes so things were starting to get into shape until the new kid came. It was a boy. He was a tall, brown eyed babe, but she didn't worry about it. Also his name was Javion. Javion ended up being in Skylar's First hour Computer class ;).

"Hey ariela, have you seen the new kid?" said Skylar. "Yeah, He's tall, isn't he in the 8th grade?" ," Naw he's in the 7th". Said Skylar. Then the teacher introduced him to the class (since he came a couple weeks later). After that the teacher gave everyone Seating charts and Javion sat behind Skylar and Ariela sat in front of Skylar. When class was over Ariela and Skylar introduced themselves to Javion. "Umm, hey Javion" said Ariela and Skylar. "Wassup" replied Javion. "Hey do you need help with your schedule"? Said Skylar. "Yea actually do you by any chance know where room 22 is"? "Oh I know where that room is!" Said Ariela anxiously. "Well You take him before he's late" Said Skylar. Then they Went off to class. As Skylar Roamed the halls She thought "Wow that was pretty weird" But she didn't worry about it.

The next day Ariela and Skylar saw Javion with a group of kids. Their names Were Marcus, And Christopher. They didn't want to warn Javion about those people because it was only his second day so they just kept walking. Later that day Mya and Skylar ended up walking pass Javion and Marcus. They Were checking out Mya and admiring her beauty. Mya just kept walking, But Mya stopped and talked to the boys. "So what was that all about?" Says Skylar with a smirk on her face. "Javion wants to hit it With Mya" Said Marcus. "You sure, because it just seems like YOU wanna hit it with her and you need somebody to do it for you" Said Skylar. Marcus smiled and said "Yeah okay".

Later that day Skyar logged into Instagram and noticed that Javion had followed her. She scrolled down his Instagram and found out way more than she already knew. Her mom screamed up the stairs and said " SKYLAR DINNER'S READY!!" Skylar then went down stairs to eat. Her mom asked her if she had made any more friends just out of curiosity and Skylar replied. She said," Well, yesterday their was this new kid (not really new when you think about it) and his name is Javion". "So is he your friend?" asked her mother. "To be honest i don't really know yet, he seems cool though". "well Good for you". Said Skylar's mom. "Well mom, i'm about to go to sleep i have a long day tomorrow." Skylar then went upstairs and Scrolled down her timeline on Instagram. After that Skylar had fallen asleep.

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