Chapter 1: Life

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{Chres POV}

I lied awake from pure confusion and doubt on my mind from my former altercation a hour ago with my Mom and Brother. They accused me of selling....drugs....which is true..BUT what you what me to do when you place a teenager in the middle of a deal, and he DAMN sure didn't want to be a puke and wussy out. Peer pressure, Ha, who would have know that it can lead to a person like myself in to so much trouble....Dang I got to get my shit together.

"CHRESANTO." I heard a rasp voice call out from what seemed like the kitchen. I lifted of my bed and dragged my legs towards the door of my room. Slowly opening and closing it I headed toward the kitchen that was down the hall to the right of the living room area, which sat my uncle and aunt and there two kids....damn witnesses.

I keep my head down in shame and continued on to the kitchen to be face to face with

"" I stumbled to get out my words out in front of him, I don't know why it's hard to talk even act normal around him. I guess he just brings that kind of demeanor around or his just never around enough for me to get comfortable....but his my dad.

"Chres...." He said walking over to me and hugged me with a tight grip around my shoulders and a squeeze of what seem like his last amount of strength he had left. " I came to take you with me....for the summer of course."

I looked at a him in a daze then quickly pulled him in for a even more tighter hug....I always wanted to see how it was to live with him, talk with him anytime I want, and eventually just be around him and cherish the moments we have. Like father and son's are supposed to have together....'till my momma had to speak up and shatter the moment in to piece's.

"Oh no his know what we JUST talked about and how your neighborhood back up on the crack and stuff." She said crossing her arms and giving both of us the look of disapproval. "And I be damn if you TRY and convince be too."

That's when I knew I wasn't going nowhere anytime soon.... and the worse part is that I'll have to be here and probably might not see my dad for a LONG time..damn. I looked down and shock my head in frustration and balled up my fist on impact ready to hit...... anything and everything in my view.

I need to cool off...................FAST.

"Will maybe this will teach him to learn self control Lisa..."

"No because if he didn't learn it that night and many times before....when will he Charles...Huh?....because I don't want one out of two of my son's in jail."

I still looking down with my fist stil balled up in a tight grip, I walked out the kitchen because I already can't go with my dad for the summer let alone be in a middle of a fucking argument too. Want did I truly did to deserve this shit I'm being thrown at right now...I would like somebody to answer that.

I picked up my pace will passing by the living room with my other existent family members and darted for my bedroom just off for a bit.

"Chres...." I heard the faint call in the background but didn't dare turn around for the sike's of me being anger. I walked down the hallway filled with pictures from memories of the good old better life back then when everything was happy and no bad days.

"What happened." I thought slowing down my walking and stopping directly at one of my favorite pictures from about millions that were on that one wall.

It showed me my brother and little sister all in the front line up by height and then my parents in the back with there hands locked together with smile's on there faces. I looked down at the corner which marked the date it was taken and began to tear up alittle....why?....I don't really have a answer other then this one little word.

"Perfect." I said to myself referring to the picture and the date that read 1/1/2001 the marking of our family new beginning.....but sad ending.

I stepped back shook my head and walked slowly to my room. My hand was now less tense and you didn't really see my vine's popping out like earlier. Closing the door quietly, not to make a noise, I walked back over to my bed and lied on it like I was doing and thinking about what just happen.

"My life just can't get any worst..... can it." I thought to myself in more of a unanswered way then a straight forward attempt way.

"Let's see"


"Dad please I said I didn't do nothing." I said trying to sound has clam has I possible can, but of course he never listens to me and what I have to say....NEVER.

"You need to get yourself back on the chopping block before all your shit is gone." He said in his office chair. He spin back around signaling that he was finish with "our" conversation....without even listening to my side of the story.

I walked out his home office he had at our 3 bedroom apartment 10 floor up in the urban side of the city we recently moved to a week ago. Which means new life, new adaption to new places, and worse out of the school.

"Ugh." I said will thinking about that day which is tomorrow....and we all know about the first day of school but only a few know about going DEAD in the middle of a school year.

I walked back to my room and over to my window and opened it that made the breeze brush over my face. Now the one thing I LOVE about moving to the city is the city lights and the beautiful nights when they REALLY shine. I leaned against the window sill and looked at the amazing view form my window, it showed the city form a nice distance and to the point that you can see the wonderful picture it paints .

"I just LOVE this." I said to myself still looking at it in amazement.

I began to think about me and my dads argument and started to think bad things,so I sadly walked away form the window leaving it open and over to my computer that was on my bed on. I began to just search the web to past the time by and as always ease my mind.....I'm fucked up in the mind. Or has people say mentally destroyed from past events and experience from the time's my life wasn't so peachy cream cool.

"I can't do this." I said closing my laptop and walking out my room and to the kitchen to get something to drink. I turned the corner but something pulled my back....but it was more of a force then a hand or a finger's gripping my shirt. I stopped looking all around me and saw nothing. Shrugging it off I peeked around the corner to see my mom at the table with my dad...talking about earth knows what.

"I said I would take her for the summer Antonio ." She said pounding the table which made me jump back a little. I'm not good with physical actions towards me and or around me.....past experience.

"Will I say that this summer, since we just moved down here, maybe she SHOULD stay with me so she can get more comfortable with the surrounding Tasha." My dad said sitting back and looked intensely at my mom with his leg crossed over his always.

" You know what FINE what the fuck ever, Ok, because when she comes back with one of these fast tail boys talking about "I'm pregnant" you better not come running back to MY ass." She said getting up indicating she was done with the conversation, grabbed her keys, and lefted without hearing my father he does me. I guess they really DO have one like in common....dissing me and my opinions.

He put his head down and started to mumble something under his breath but I couldn't tell out what he was saying.

"She is a independent and a wise child father above, and if she does come home with her." He said raising back up his head and leaving the table and back to his office.

I stood there in shock and confusion as well.

"Pregnant...Me?...Like who would even give me the time of day." I said has I walked back to my room and close my door. I walked over to the window that was still open and peeked out of it and sat in my purple chair and just....looked at the view that I will always remember.

"This is all I have left." I said moving my head to the side and getting comfortable. I started to drift off into sleep with my eyes flashing open then close, then to the point I was sound asleep on my window sill.


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