Chapter 4: Goodbye love

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(Chres POV)

I nod my head in response then looked down and sniffed. 

   I hate crying in general. Then it's in front of the person I actually like and I know I just meant her and this probably sounds like a corny love story but....she's different.

   I felt a warm sensation rap around my shoulder and a electric feeling go through my body. I look down and saw Y/N being that feeling and I liked it. She looked like she was upset about this so I sniffed away the last of my tears and continued to look down at her. Her grip became more tighter and she finally looked up at me and smiled.

"You okay." She said in her sweet voice. I smiled back and responded with a "Yeah just.....nothing."

   She looked at me while still gripping my shirt like it was the only thing holding her up from falling over, and I just starred down at her with a smile smirk. We stay like this for a well and didn't even move when the security guard said that lunch was over, we stayed locked in each others eyes.

"I....I ...I got to go." Y/N said releasing from my shirt and tried to get up, but I held on to her arm to let her know that I wanted her to stay with me.

She got the hint.

"Don't leave....your good complenty." I said pulling her back down to my level and smiled at her. She laughed with her sweet voice ringing in my ears. 

"I won't leave you here but.... huh....can I ask you something Chresanto." She said. I looked at her and nodded my head and said. "Yeah, Why?"

    She looked down and twirled her thumbs then looked side ways at me as if she was embarrassed to ask the question. I grabbed her hand and kissed it to show her that she can trust me to say anything she needed to say. She looked away and blushed then looked at me again.

" were sitting over in a place I thought I would never find you." She started. "Then when I saw you were crying your eyes out over.... What?" She finished looking up at me with a confused look on her face.

    I looked the other way and balled my fist, control chres she's right here. Those were the only words going through my head at the time so I wouldn't leash out on Y/N. I felt she was looking over at me and I know she was going to asks what's wrong.

"Chres what's-" She said but I interrupted her. "I have to go." I said getting up off the ground not even looking over at Y/N.

"But I thought you want to chill....and still haven't answered my question." She said has she slowly faded in the back as I was already on my way to....somewhere I can release my anger.

I desperately need to control.


He just lefted.

   I sat there and decided to get up and followed after him, something in my head told me to stop but I stop listening to my head a long time ago....I need to know what's up with him.

   I slowly creep behind him has he entered back into the school. The hallways where empty with only a few students getting there stuff and leaving. Chres stopped by a locker and looked down at his fist. I stopped as well and hide behind a trash can as I watched on what he was about to do. He looked at the locker then , like it was in slow motion, smashed the locker making a deep dent in it and coming back and walked off huffing and puffing.

  I stayed behind the trash can in fear of following him on to where he was going, but I knew I had to because something.....something just didn't seem to add  up. I slowly got up and creep to where he he when and found him repeatedly hit his fist towards the wall, and his eyes watering up from probably the hell he was putting himself into.

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