Chapter 5: You know Now

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    After I said goodbye to Chres I headed to the elevators of my building and pushed the button to go up and to the room. Has I was standing there waiting for it to come down a tap on my shoulder made we twirl around like I heard a gun shot.

"Wha-" I said before seeing who it was.

"Hey Y/N, how are you." 

   I looked at his face and saw sweat running down his cheek, Jacob, was always coming out of nowhere starting up a conversation. I looked down at him and saw that he was wearing basketball shorts and a white beater with his hair up in a high ponytail. I trail back up to his face and saw that he was following my eyes and we ended up starring into each others eyes.

"Oh,......sorry hu...good just got to go..go." I said turning and looking at the now open elevator and sharply turned on my heels and quickly walked in it. 

    I looked down and pushed the button for the 10 floor and watched has the doors slowly closed with a confused Jacob looking through it. I finally looked up has I saw he was raising his hand to block the door from closing and walked on into the elevator with me. I walked back into the corner and stare back down at the ground. He pushed his button to his floor, 11, and also pushed the button to closed the door.

"You thought you could get away without at least having a nice convo, huh?" He question looking ahead of him. I stared over at him and cleared my throat to attempt to come up with some tale to tell him so he would get off my back.

"Oh sorry I have a lot of homework and I thought you were.....going back to the gym." I lied right through my teeth has Jacob turned only his head towards me and smiled. That award winning smile he always he's about to...


"See you later Y/N here *hands you a piece of paper* because I love our conversation, Okay?" He said still smiling. 

   I said alright talk to you later and leaved off of the elevator and down my hall that was straight across. Has I was walking I could feel eyes on me but didn't dare to turn around and see who it was, because I already know exactly who it was. Then I heard the humming of the elevator going down has I continued to walk to my door.

    I slowly approached my door has I took out my keys and unlocked the it, but was only welcome with all the lights turned off except for the kitchen. I walked into the living room switching on the lamp and putting my bookbag down and kicking off my shoes as well. I cut on the TV for a little more of a homie feeling since the apartment was still a Walking into the kitchen after all that I found a note on the counter from my dad.

" Y/N I have to work over time at the shipyard and wouldn't be home." - Dad.

" That's it." I said to myself has I crumbled up the note and throw it away.

    He always does this, like, He would be all grumpy and mean one minute then the next want to be my best friend. Like this morning He criticized what I wore then going to smile all up in my face, then lefted me at the fucking place because of work. Work, Work, Work, and more Work. I know he has to work but you should never put your  job infront of your only child. For all he knows I could be dead in a ally somewhere under a cardbroad box.

     I took a deep breath and walked out the kitchen and into the living room to calm down. See I not only have a problem with anxiety but I also have anger management issues .....I know they don't add up but one is form my mom and the other my dad. You decide which is which.

"let me just calm my ass do-"

*knock knock*

    I took a deep unsteady breath has I looked behind me and to the door. Slowly getting up everything in my mind was telling me no but has I said before....I stop listening to my mind a long time ago. I looked through the peep hole and saw a somebodies back facing me so I shrugged unlocked the hinges and chain from the door, and opened it.

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