Chapter 1

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Michael & Brooke Sanders, story is in Brooke's pov, I don't know if I'll put any in his.

I opened my new locker to this shitty school. This year I got lucky. I was one out of two who got the two new lockers that were separated from the others. Did I mention it's also senior year? The only thing I was curious about was who got the second locker.

These newer lockers are bigger and a full length. Not the half ones that everyone else got.  It had like a side pouch and two shelves on the top. It's a good size considering I literally fit in my locker but that's because I'm skinny. Well people say I'm curvy and by people I mean my one and only friend Elena.

Typically to school I wear sweatpants and a sweater. This way no one could see my body. I'm 5 feet tall so I can barely reach the top shelf. That's why I have a little foot stool I needed since the beginning of grade 9, mainly because I always got the top locker.

I put my stool at the bottom as I put the books I didn't need in a slot that was on the side of the locker. Across from that was a hook for my sweater to reveal that I wore a loose t-shirt underneath. I put an extra pencil case as well as my calculator on the lower shelf.

I reached into my worn out bag as I grabbed some pictures and taped them to the locker. One was of me and Elena, one of my family and I guess a more current photo of me and my dad. Lastly I put a photo of my brother, the last one of him that was taken.

I ended up at school an hour early so that's why I decided to decorate my locker. Now I just have to wait and see who's beside me.

10 minutes before class was going to start Elena finds me to tell me her locker isn't the new one but it is beside mine. There's only a door to a classroom between us. Just as I closed my locker I turned around just to see a chest.

I looked up to see the one and only Michael Damian West, standing infront of me, Brooke Sanders.

"Get out of my way nerd" he growls as he lightly pushes me to the side.

Now that lady's and gentlemen is Michael Damian West, he is part of the popular chain, to be on top of it actually. He has that bad boy look that can make any girl stare. But he was also a truly amazing asshole.

"Asshole" I mumble a bit too loud considering a few students around us looked and Michael looks pissed.

He grabs onto my arm. His grip is tight but not bad. Leaning his 6 foot body lower so we were around the same height he whispered, "if I we're you I'd be careful, you wouldn't want to upset your locker buddy bitch" his lips slightly grazing my ear as he indirectly threatened me.

I grab onto Elena and walked off. This is just the perfect way to start your new school year now isn't it.

All of the populars are rich, and in this school there's only a select few, the rest of the populars are jocks and cheerleaders. If I really wanted too I could be one of them, I am 'rich' but I'm not as lucky. I've grown to hate the populars, especially the girls, that's where most of the bulling comes from.

Sometimes the guys would make nerd jokes and sometimes they'll talk to me and flirt but I know it's just a game to them.

My goal this year is to avoid Michael but that seems like it's not possibly because he's in my English, art and photography class. In this school we can't switch out of classes because they're always full, we can only drop them and then get put into the next available spot.

At the end of the day I waited at my locker for my best friend.  I grabbed my sweater from my locker and put it on as I saw Elena walking towards me. When she got here she was about to say something but didn't.

I could tell that someone said something to her today. "Are you okay?" I asked as she immediately shook her head no. I pulled her into a hug.

"Awe look, the nerds are hugging their feelings away" a voice I knew all too well said.

I slowly let go of Elena as a I turned around to face him.

"Oh is the little nerd got something to say" Michael teases as he lowers to my level.

"Yeah I do actually, thanks" I answer as he smirks and I pull my arm back and punch him right in the face.

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