Chapter 6

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I am not ready for school.
I don't like surprises.
I don't like Michael.
I don't trust him.
And he has a surprise for me?

I decided on driving my mustang. No one in my school has this car. A lot of the girls would see a picture of it and think it's a nice car but it's made for guys.

I am not a guy, I just like cars and this happened to be one of the ones I really liked. I'm just wondering what people's reactions will be when they find out who I am.

I found a parking spot which would make the cameras have a perfect view of my car. I got out of the car and there were too many people staring. I grabbed the information on the sign I needed so I can make this my spot and have whoever parks here towed away.

I started heading towards my locker to see a huge group of people surrounding it. I shoved through everyone and regretted it immediately. I could feel my eyes watering. How did he even get these bottles to stick to the locker? There were empty alcohol bottles attached to my locker with gold sparkly letters writing "alcoholic".

"Who are you?" Prescott said threw gritted teeth not recognizing me.

I turn around to see her and Michael standing behind me. "Do you find this funny?" I asked Michael, looking him in the eyes. He had a stupid smirk on his face.

"Yeah I do" Prescott chuckles.

"Are you happy with what you've done?" Was all I asked as he gave me a confused look. I grabbed a trash can and started throwing the bottles away. Now everyone knows who I am as I claim the locker.

Up until lunch I listened to everyone talking and when I got closer to people I could hear the slight change of volume. Alcoholic, whore, loser, nerd, wanna be, I know all these things are directed towards me.

"Here take this" a girl handing me a card reading rehab centre.

"I don't need to go to a rehab centre, I'm not an alcoholic, but maybe you should go since your believing rumours, maybe your intoxicated, with stupidity" I finish before dropping my cafeteria lunch on her tray and walking out the cafeterias doors.

To top it all off the principle called my dad and told him the situation, I explained to my dad who knows I drink that I've had those bottles piling up from the parties my step mom would host and thankfully he believed me but now the teachers are expected to keep a close look on me.

The good thing is that the teachers didn't push further because they know my step mom is a lawyer and my dad claimed that we hold fancy gatherings at least once a month so those bottles were from the parties we have hosted.

But I know exactly what I have to do. I know exactly who I have to talk too. I went around the building knowing I'd find him and his friends, Jonathan and Rui. Once I reached the corner his buddies were here but he wasn't. Before they noticed me I took out my pack of cigarettes.

When they noticed me I had a cigarette in my mouth and put the pack away to find a lighter. "Do you need a light?" One of the guys asked.

"Um, yes, thanks" I slightly smiled.

Jonathan lit my cigarette as I took a drag. "Your the girl who punched Michael, you don't look like a nerd anymore" Rui frowned.

"My disguise was dressing like a nerd but the marks are real" I answered.

"You'll always be a nerd" I heard Michaels voice behind me.

I held back from saying something stupid and looked towards him then back to his friends. "Get lost nerd" he continued.

I did everything I could to not hit him which caused me to be almost done my cigarette faster. "Did you like my surprise?" He finally asked.

I dropped my cigarette and killed the bud with my shoe. "What's your problem?" I asked.

"My problem? You're the one with a problem." He stated.

"I actually don't have a problem, so what was that about?" I asked.

Michael started at me blankly. "I was just helping you accept the fact that you have a problem" he smirked.

"What did I ever do to you?" I ask confused. It looked like he was taken back by this question since he opened his mouth and immediately closed it in hopes I didn't notice. "I'm confused because if I remember correctly that night your parents came over for dinner you followed me to make sure I was safe and then asked to stay" I expose to his friends. "So what did I do to you?" I push for an answer. But I didn't stop, "because I know the reason I hate you but you're so stupid you still haven't put the pieces together."

Why did I hate Michael? It's simple, his brother is the reason my brother is dead.

Without a response I walk off towards the parking lot to just go home. I was not in the mood for school anymore.

"Where you going bitch?" Michael yells out to me and I give him the bird. "Skipping" I yell back, I'm definitely going home.

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