Chapter 7

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I looked at my phone to see a message from an unknown number.

text: Unknown Number
Party 2nite; address will be sent at 6pm.

I called Elena immediately.

"Hello?" Elena asked as she picked up.

"Elena, there's a party tonight wanna go?" I asked.

"No thanks Brooke, I'll see you tomorrow at school though." She answered and hung up.

Now I guess I'm going to a party alone. Or not. I messaged a friend who promotes parties that I normally see during the summer. He's never seen me go to a party before simply because when I do go he's not there. Just like this time.

As soon as it was 6 I got the location to a club. Well according to the website it's an all age event. I've been to these before. So it won't be something new to me.

Luckily since I left school because of Michael
I ended up getting my nails done. The weathers warm except for the soft wind that sends a chill threw my body. I grabbed everything I needed including the keys to the red stingray.

I started to make my way and the closer I got the farther it seemed. Once I parked right beside the club in camera and security guard view I placed my cash in my bra and held my money for the ticket. I exited and noticed the line that for sure went around the building.

"Kit kat!" I heard a shrieking familiar voice from behind me.

I turned around and couldn't believe my eyes. "Hershey!", also known as the only person in my step moms family who likes me.

"Babe you look good" Hershey smiled.

"Have you looked in a mirror, god damn" I smiled as I pulled her in for a hug.

"Who's hugging my girlfriend?" I hear Emanuel in the background and turn to see him with this nerdy glasses, tattoos and cigarette.

"I always knew I'd miss seeing you around" I smiled as I propped him.

"Well this is my friend, Bradlee, this is Brooke" Emanuel introduced me to his light skin friend with the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen.

"Well are we going in?" I smiled as everyone nodded and I made my way to the front door completely skipping the line up.

As I did this I watched people give me dirty looks and complaining. I spoke to the security guard and walked in without an issue.

I followed Hershey straight to the reggae room. As if it was instant my hips moved to the beat of the song. I spent the night dancing with random guys.

For the last two hours of the night we decided to head towards the main room. It was the largest, loudest and fullest room. Emanuel and Bradlee watched as Hershey and I danced sexually with each other to the beat of the song.

"There's a guy staring at us, specifically at you and it is a hungry look" Hershey whispered in my ear. We separated and faced the knowing look. Hershey winks at Emanuel as she grabs my waist letting him know she's going to kiss me.

We've done this before, multiple times, I grab her face holding her close as we kiss softly adding a little tongue. Emanuel is used to this, and we have had a threesome once.

She went towards Emanuel as I turned to get a glance at the worst person ever. Michael, and from his face reaction he did not expect to see me either. I went towards Bradlee and started dancing with him.

Bradlee gave me a shocked look. I grabbed his shirt collar so he was at my level. "The person who bullies me at school is here, stay with me" I said as my lip brushed against his ear.

We continued dancing for the next two hours. Once we were all outside we walked our separate ways to get to our cars. Thankfully I remembered to go by coat check to leave my scarf and purse there, and luckily I remembered to pick it up too.

As I unlocked my car and got inside I had a gut feeling that something is going to happen. When exactly, I have no idea. I started to drive when I got a call.

"Kitkat, are you in the red stingray, I thought that was left for the monster"
"No gramps left it for me, what's up?"
"Can I come over, me and Emanuel just got into a fight and he dropped me off in front of the club when I was supposed to go to his house because my mom thinks I'm at a friends"
"Okay I'll be there soon"

I turned around once I got the chance and stopped right in front of her. As soon as she entered the car I drove straight to my house.

"Let's just go straight to bed" I said as we entered the house. Well she's going straight to bed, Bradlee is coming by to pay me a visit.

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