Chapter 13

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"That was amazing" Elena cheered as we were in my room getting dressed for a party. It's been a few weeks since I raced Taylor and she's still impressed by it. I haven't spoken to Michael either. I have a thin silk robe on as I finish curling my hair when there's a knock on the front door. "I'll get it" I laugh as I head to the door.

I'm surprised to see Michael. Before I get to say anything he questions me. "Why did you kiss me that night if you knew who my brother was?" Chase actually liked Michael I'm elementary. They were good friends and he wanted us to get married when we were older, it was his way of having his bestfriend join our family.

"You were Chase's bestfriend, yeah he kept the racing from you but that was because he didn't want to cause a problem with your brother, that's why he went as scar, and you guys grew apart. When we were little Chase said I had to marry you so you'd officially be a part of the family." I admitted.

I look up at him with pain in my eyes, "I hated you because of your brother and then you bullied me, you didn't know that I was Chase's sister, hell we kept it a really good secret but the reason I kissed you was out of hate because the little girl in me grew up liking you because of Chase and I developed a stupid crush even though we never actually spoke, but then you bullied me, and then Chase died and the bullying got so much worse, that I stopped hating you because of your brother, I grew to hate you but I think it's because Chase painted an image I'd fallen in love with and I hate both of you for it" I finish.

Michael was staring at me and I couldn't read it. I couldn't read him. He wiped away a tear I didn't realize escaped. He cupped my cheeks in his hand and kissed me softly. He pulled away slowly. "I'm sorry." Michael muttered before walking out.

I head back upstairs to see that Elena and Kit Kat had watched the entire interaction and understood when I said I didn't want to talk about it, plus I had to finish getting dressed.

We spent the entire night dancing and from there on I ignored Michael because I needed to move on. I needed to be happy and focus on myself. 

I finished high school early and managed to start my process of becoming a lawyer. I fast tracked as many courses as I could and because one of the youngest interns for a law firm that helped me to grow. I still raced, that's how I paid for school and living.

Elena was upset I wasn't going to graduate with her but she understood and I started seeing Daniel. My dad doesn't approve and is assuming that I'm only with him to be attached to a part of Chases life but we knew it was good for us. It was what we wanted.

I was happy and that's all I ever wanted.

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