Chapter 9

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I woke up in a strange mood too cook. I started making pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast. I even decided to cut some fruit and put it all in a bowl.

"Goodmorning" I turn around to see Michael and jumped.

"Why are you here!" I freaked.

"You said I could use the guest bedroom, by the way nice ass" he smirked as he looked me up and down. I'm only in a oversized t-shirt and underwear.

"Sorry, I'm only used to Hershey sleeping over and here eat I made too much anyways" I groaned rubbing my temples and shoving a plate of food in his hand. He had 3 quarters of everything I made besides fruit. I ate what was left and all the fruit.

"You ate almost nothing, you need to eat more" Michael complained as he did the dishes.

"I'm fine with what I eat, see look" I mention as I gesture to my body lifting my shirt to show my abs, "but you should leave because I am not staying home." I smiled as I took over the dishes. I watched as he looked me up and down. Without any words he left. I started to straighten my hair and when I was almost done I called Elena.

"Hey Elena get ready I'll be picking you up soon" I spoke as soon as she answered. I finished getting ready and left for her house in the mustang.

We walked around the mall until I was completely done my story. From beginning to end. Of how I ended up waking up to see Michael in my house and it being completely my fault. Of course all she did was laugh at me and my very own stupidity.

"So you tell Michael he can sleep in the guest room, freak out about him being there in the morning, but still make him eat breakfast, brilliant" Elena laughed uncontrollably.

"I have a surprise for you on Saturday so make sure you're free" I smirked at her as she gave me a curious look.

We left the mall and soon enough when I dropped her off at home I made my way to the cemetery.

Chase. You can tell no one has visited since I visited last. "I'm going to make you proud very soon" I whispered as I kissed his grave stone and switched the old flowers I had brought a month ago with fresh one. I cleaned his stone and the area around it.

When I got home Michaels car and his parents car were there. I entered the main doors. To see them all at the dinner table already done.

"Sorry I couldn't make it to dinner dad, let me take the mess" I smiled as I grabbed as many dirty dishes possible and took it to the kitchen. My dad could tell I was crying but he didn't push to ask.

Michael ended up helping to bring the dishes so as he went back I grabbed the waitress tray we had and placed the desert plates and forks or spoons and some deserts while I carried a bigger desert in my other hand.

I placed the bigger desert on table and Michael went to help but my father spoke, "don't try helping, you'll grab the wrong thing and the whole thing will fall and she will murder you" he smirks looking at Michaels confused face.

"Would anyone like an espresso?" I ask while I placed the plates on the table. All 5 agreed.

I went back to the kitchen and within minutes it was done. I served them and went back to sit in the seat beside Michael.

"So what did you do today?" My step mother asked.

"I went to the mall with Elena" I stated.

"And this evening?" My dad asked giving me a look.

"I visited Chase" I said with a cold tone. I saw Michael looking at me from the corner of my eye.

"I thought we came to the decision you weren't going to visit that anymore" my step mother stated rudely.

"You came to the decision I wasn't going to visit him anymore, not that, because that is a him and he is" I was cut off.

"Stop now" she said sternly.

"He was my brother" I almost yelled at her.

"He was a disgrace to this family" she yelled.

"He was a disgrace to you, not to this family because you will never be family to me" I stated calmly, clutching my fists under the table.

"Brooke, apologize" my father said angrily.

"Apologize?," I stated as I gave him a disgusted look.

"If you didn't marry this ungrateful bitch my brother would be alive, he would have been here with me still" I continued as tears threatened to fall.

"That is not her fault" my dad stated angrily.

"Isn't it? You married her and not even her first week here she kicked Chase out of the house, he had to fend for himself out there" I couldn't believe he was defending her.

"Get out" the monster yelled.

"I can't wait for your funeral" I yell at her as I grabbed my belongings and went to my pool house. Michael following behind me, yelling my name.

I went straight to my room as I pulled the two large suitcases out from under my bed and two small ones. Placing them to the side. I grabbed my duffle bag getting things ready to move.

"What are you doing?" Michael asked.

"What does it look like?" I asked as he turned me to face him and wiped my tears away for me.

"Like your going to do the exact same thing as your brother" he stated.

"You know nothing about my brother." I state as I push him off me. But the truth is that he knew my brother very well. I grabbed the duffle bag and put it on the floor as I changed into a baggy shirt in front of him as a Pajama. "Besides, Chase left the house he bought for me, I have a place to stay."

Instead of heading to bed I do something stupid. Very very stupid. I grab a hold of Michael's shirt forcing him to my level kissing him with the anger I have in me. I hate him but hate sex seems like the best option right now. Michael took no time lifting me and laying on my bed before rubbing his hand on my thigh before breaking the kiss and looking at my thigh.

"What are these? Why do you have these?" Michael asked in an angered voice as he sat on my bed no longer towering over me and traced my scars I had on my upper leg.

I pushed his hand away and tugged down my shirt. "It doesn't matter"

"Why?" He asked as he starred at my scars.

"Chase, that evil Bitch, queen bee from school, and you." I answered as I let him know the truth that he didn't want to hear.

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