Chapter 3

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Michaels pov

"Where are you going?" My mother asked.

"After her to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid, did you not just see the way she drove off" I answer coldly as I jumped into my car and drove after her at a distance so she wouldn't see me.

I follow her all the way to a convenient store. It wasn't even close to her house. I watched as she grabbed a bottle of Malibu, Smirnoff, tequila rose, Absolut HIBISKUS, and plain Absolut. She even got cans of 7-up and a bottle of raspberry liqueur. Good thing she had a cart. I chuckled to myself.

I wonder how she's going to get this without getting her ID checked. She continued with getting almost every bag of chips and some horror movies. Once Brooke reached the counter she started placing everything and asked for two cartons of Djarum Black Slimz and two cartons of Davidoff Slims One.

The guy at the counter was starring at Brooke. He looked her up and down and tried flirting with her which she flirted back. I didn't like this, it made me uncomfortable. I watched as he watched as she would bend over to grab the things from her cart. Her total came out to around $240 which she gave in cash.

The guy behind the counter got a younger guy to help bring her stuff to the car. I got into my car before she left the store and watched as she conversed with the guy over the car. The dude went to touch her and she stepped back. She was no longer in heels. She had on white flats. Maybe she had them in the car. I look at Brooke to see her knee the guy in the jewels as she hopped into the car and drove off.

I followed her home and down a driveway that went past her house. We both stopped and got out.

"Do you need help?" I ask causing her to jump.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asks as she opens the trunk and unlocks a door that led straight into a kitchen. She grabbed some bags and I grabbed the rest and closed the hood.

She locked the car and I followed putting the bags on the counter. "Well I followed you to make sure you didn't do anything stupid which you did." I answered.

I watched her put the ingredients away. "If you came back without alcohol that's very rude of you"'she half smiled.

I watched as she opened a drawer with 3 loose cigarettes, she put her four new packs in removing a single one that was there and a lighter. "Do you want one? They're black devil, chocolate flavour" she smiled as she mixed a drink with the 7up, vodka, and raspberry liqueur.

"I don't smoke" I lied.

"You're lying but okay" Brooke said as she lays out ten shot glasses and spilled the mix into each.

"Purple hooter shot, 5 each if you don't want it that's fine, I'll drink it" she said with a sad expression that she quickly covered with a smile.

She put all the horror movies into her multi movie player and started watching the movies. Not even caring I was there. "Can I stay?" I ask.

"Why would I care" Brooke replied as she grabbed the bottle of tequila rose and drank it straight.

"Are you an alcoholic?" I randomly ask "actually forget I asked that, that is extremely rude"

"No I'm not, I only drink like this every few months if not only once a year and sorry I punched you, I'm still in shock that I punched a popular" Brooke laughed. She's already tipsy.

By the end of the first movie Brooke was cuddling me and it felt okay. I turned off her tv as she was half asleep and took the bottle that was now less then half empty and put it in the fridge. She had even more alcohol in there
I carried her to her room and laid her on her side in case she pukes while I'm not here.

I got into the car to see that our parents had worked out the entire situation and that I'm grounded for a week because I was an asshole to her. I still can't believe the stupid nerd ratted herself. I would have never known it was her the girl who dressed normal compared to the nerd at school.

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