Chapter 11

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"Brook" I hear my name being called and look up to see none other then Michael. "What?" I groan not wanting to deal with his stupidity. "I'm sorry about Chase" he mutters lowly but the Queen Bee decides to insert herself.

"She doesn't even know who Chase is, this right here is a complete loser remember" she taps Michael before grabbing his bicep. I turn to face her and I see everything going black as I direct everything to her. "He was my twin you bitch" I growl throwing a punch but am surprised to being carried away before given the chance to break her nose.

"Put me down Michael" I yell as I try getting out of his grip but his grip around my waist just keeps getting stronger. "You're lying" the queen bee growls because she's always had a crush on him "Chase didn't have a sister". To my surprise Michael defends me. "She's not lying, Brooke is Chases twin she's the one who pulled him out of the fire remember" Michael nearly yells as everyone is watching us since I gave up on trying to fight her.

Memories of the night he died flooding in, forcing me to relive the worst night of my life. I can feel the heat on my body wrapping around me, I'm back at that night, I'm pulling my brother out of the car, screaming for help as I start crying, holding my dead twin in my arms. I know it's a memory but I can't step out of it. I can't move past it.

I know I'm crying and everyone around me is watching but I can't let go of him, I can't let go of Chase. "It should have been me" I kept repeating over and over again as  Michael tries to console me, taking me out of the school.

I start walking around the school to where there's no cameras to light a cigarette. I can here Michael calling me and trying to get me to slow down. I take a pull and I can feel it helping me to calm down.

"Why do you keep saying it was supposed to be you?" Michael asks with so much concern, "no one deserved to die that night." It hurt knowing that no one knew the truth.

"Because I was supposed to be the one racing" I yell at Michael, the tears still streaming down my face. "That bitch of a step mother tried to force me to stay home so I was late, I should have been in that car, I should have died" I continued to yell, "it wouldn't have mattered if I died!" I finish losing all control.

I hear a loud sob and looked to see Elena with tears running down her face. I didn't realize but Jonathan, Rui and Elena had followed me and Michael. I looked at them all and in a controlled voice I admit "it should have been me." I leave them all behind leaving the school to go home.

My dad didn't know that Chase bought a house in full, simply because everything my brother had went to me, in his will he specifically stated that I was the only one allowed in the room to hear what was being given to me. No one else was to know.

I have been restoring the same model car he had, an eclipse, yes like Paul Walkers car in The Fast and The Furious, my brother and I had an obsession with the movies so we decided on the same body car. When we raced he was scar and I was scarlet, everyone knew that we were related but no one has ever seen my face.

Chase has taught me almost everything I know, the mechanic who helped him has been helping me, mostly because it helps him with Chases death like it does for me.

I call Kit Kat to help me. I've been packing everything I owned. Kit Kat drives a suv so she'll be taking some of the boxes for me. I manage to fit all of my clothes in her car since I don't need to worry about furniture. Everything I had in the fridge and kitchen I packed out into my mustang. We drove to my house and took the boxes in. Emanuel came to help as well, as Kit Kat started putting everything in the fridge and I'm the kitchen where it needed to go.

She started my closet as Emanuel drove me back to my dads house to pick up the stingray. I have a garage that fits two cars and a drive way that can fit four. Chase didn't buy a small place. He was preparing so I could live with him. I have the eclipse in the garage and that's where I'm going to put my stingray, considering I mostly drive my mustang anyways.

Emanuel drops me off but hesitates to leave when he notices Michaels car. "I've been looking for you" Michael starts but pauses as he notices the now empty kitchen. "Where you going?"

"I'm moving just like my step mother requested" I shrug grabbing the stingray keys.

"Moving where?" Michael asks but I don't want to explain to him but I do anyways. "A house Chase bought, he left it to me, I'll be fine" I answer getting into the stingray and leaving, leaving Michael standing there along.

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