Chapter 12

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It's Saturday morning and the air feels heavy. I know why, it's because I'm going to race my brothers killer today. Taylor was arrested for my brothers murder because someone called in an anonymous tip and left behind video evidence of him messing with his car.

During the trial Taylor admitted that he messed with the car but he wasn't trying to kill him, he just wanted to get his car to stop working to win the race. It was a fifty thousand jackpot and he needed it to pay for his surgery or he would have died which was true. Unfortunately I wished he died. But now I want him to suffer. To live everyday knowing he killed someone and having that haunt him.

They lessened his sentence and sent him to a hospital for medical help saying that he was mentally unstable because of his diagnosis which lead him to do something terrible but I know that was a load of crap. He got out early for good behaviour and because of him saying that he's been reformed and is better now.

I believe Michaels dad just payed people off to get him out early. I sent Elena my new address and told her to meet me here at 6.

I drive to the cemetery today and sat at Chases grave. " I made a promise to you that if I ever race again it would be in honour of you and I know you were already gone when I made that promise but I'm keeping true to it and today I'm going to do it" I admit as tears escape my eyes.

"I'm going to race your murdered today and I'm going to win" I whisper kissing his stone. I drive back home and take a nap before waking up to get ready for tonight.

I let Elena use my shower and I offer her clothes to wear to the race. Kit Kat also came to the house so I finally got to introduce them. I'm happy to see them getting along. "What's happening tonight? Where we going?" Kit Kat asks curiously since I haven't shared anything.

"I'm going to race tonight." I state starting the shower and before she can argue I close the door and get in. I was my body and hair, over thinking everything. When I get out and out of the washroom Kit Kat pushes me back into the washroom drying my hair and straightening it.

"If you're going to do this, you're going to look like a badass" she mumbles with anger. I knew she'd be mad but I think she knows this is something I have to do.

She helps me with my makeup and helps me choose an outfit. "Elena, you're going with Kit Kat I'll meet you guys there" I smile bringing them both in for a hug.

It's already it's already 9 and the race starts at 10. I get into the eclipse and buckle myself in. Im really driving to the races. My windows are tinted so you can't see inside.

I pull into the races lowering my window a bit. I hand the guy a piece of paper for the announcer and the 50 grand buy in. I pull up to the line and put on my helmet.

I can see Kit Kat and Elena in the stands. Beside them Michael is talking to Elena. A car pulls up beside me and starts to rev. I look and it's him. Taylor. I look forward and listen to the announcer.

"Ladies and gentleman, let's welcome back Taylor, our winner for the past few weeks and to the new car you see, well I don't know if you guys remember a racer named scarlet but I do" the announcer also Chases bestfriend announces me. He knows who I am and he still has kept it a secret from everyone. No one ever knew who about me being Chases twin, they just thought I was his partner like Michael was Taylor's.

"Scarlet, was Scars partner and they are here to race tonight, so let's get the party started" the announcer cheers as a girl comes between the two cars signalling for us to get ready.

Taylor revs his car and I rev mine, surprising him by the power he underestimated it would have. She signals the start of the race and we head off. Adrenaline coursing through me. It's only a mile but this mile is an important mile.

Me and Taylor are neck to neck. I let him pull ahead, letting him think he's going to win this race but I know he won't win because I've been holding back. We're nearing the end and I give my car that final pushing, putting me in the lead. I pass the finish line and come to a stop winning the race leaving Taylor pissed off. He gets out of his car yelling that I cheated for everyone to hear.

I get out of the car and everyone gasps be cause they can't see my face. "Show yourself you coward" Taylor yells as Kit Kat, Elena and Michael are running closer to us.

The announcer comes up just as I pull off my helmet. Leading to another round of gasps, no one has ever seen my face here before. I smile at Taylor, "I didn't cheat tonight," I let out a low laugh but I don't stop. "Unlike you Taylor, you're the reason my twin bother is dead and as I promised him, I'd race you and you would lose" I continue smiling as realization sinks into everyone. I Brook actually am Scarlet, Scars partner before he died but also his twin sister.

"Congratulations scarlet, I've missed you" the announcer, Daniel smiles pulling me in for a hug. Everyone is cheering about my win. Michael approached me obviously at a loss for words until he finally spoke, "did you know?" He asks.

"That your Taylor's brother? Yeah I know, I've always known and god Chase hated your brother so much and never trusted him" I admit, "but I guess he was right to feel that way." I walked off and to the car. Daniel followed me handing me the cash I won, I dropped it into the passenger seat getting in and driving home.

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