Chapter 5

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When we dropped my shopping bags off at home I decided to switch cars. I wanted her to be in a stingray. I warned her about switching cars as I grabbed the bags with things for her and put them in the trunk. We had a full out discussion about why a 17 year old aka me, shouldn't have two cars.

On a plus side my cars have a security system that lets me see who goes near my car. I had to shove the bags of clothing and shoes I bought Elena into her hand so she couldn't refuse them. I even locked my doors. When she finally gave up I watched her go inside then left. Knowing she was inside the house I was satisfied.

I continued on my day heading to the grocery store. Who doesn't need groceries, right? I was walking down the isles randomly putting things in my cart when I heard a voice. The voice of Prescott. The schools "evil queen." I don't know her first name but what I do know is that she's a popular and the head bitch cheerleader. And the principles daughter.

I slightly twisted my body so we wouldn't collide but she took that as me giving her the entire isle and bumping into me and I didn't even say sorry. "Excuse me?" She said in a high pitched voice.

"Is there an issue?" I asked.

"Yeah you hit me" she whined.

"Oh too bad, I don't care" I shrug and continue on with my shopping. Once I had everything I needed I made my way to the cashier and then home.

When I arrived home I saw an unfamiliar car beside my house. I parked my car took out my groceries and unlocked the kitchen door. I placed the bags in the kitchen before locking the door and walking around my house. Then I realized who's car it was, Michaels.

I put my groceries away and started to watch a horror movie. I'll give him the chance to scare me I guess. That was until I heard his car leave. I went to my kitchen door to see if he actually left and found a note taped to the outside of my door.

"Missed you at school, I have a surprise for you tomorrow"

Do I even want to go to school tomorrow? This surprise has to include Michael, therefore there's nothing good coming out of it.

I decided to make dinner. A veggie stir fry, sweet potato fries and chicken breast. I had to admit. It tasted absolutely amazing. I don't normally make myself dinner, I usually go inside but I don't want to deal with my parents.

I washed my dishes and put the extra food in a container and in the fridge. If I really want too I can have this for lunch tomorrow. I decided to get things ready. I organized an outfit and fiches out the makeup products I would use.

I would curl my hair tomorrow so I took out the curling iron and placed it in the bathroom counter. I had almost everything ready. Now I just need to choose a bag and lay out what I need in it beside it.

I went into my school bag and took out my binder and pencil case. Then from my purse I removed my perfume, sanitizer, lip balm, wallet, and tampons just in case.

Once I had everything for school ready to go I went to bed.

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