Chapter 1

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* 4 Years Ago*
Zoe's P.O.V
*A New Year's Eve party*
"Stop, this isn't right." I moan.
"Why?" He asks.
"Because you're with Gina." I remind.
"Correction I was with Gina. But I've always loved you more Zoe." He whispers as he kisses my neck. I've liked him since he started vacationing here but this still wasn't right. However, I didn't try to stop him again so we went on.
"Hey Chummy having a good time?" a drunk Louise shouts. I nod. We moved away from the crowd and head upstairs. He closes the door and passionately kisses me. I kiss him back then he takes off my shirt. Next thing you know, we were both fully undressed and in the sheets.

*Five Days Later*
I wake up and run straight to the bathroom. I threw up everything that I had the night before. I felt fine yesterday, what happened? Then, I remember what happened the other night.
"Shit we didn't use protection." I mutter. I scroll through my calendar and I was late. I run into my car and head straight to Superdrug. I buy two tests and drank a whole bottle of water. When I finish, I walk around the bathroom, pacing back and forth to wait for the results. Two minutes was up and I look at the results.
"Fuck." I hiss. I had no idea what to do. I quickly ring Louise.
"Hey Ch-" she starts.
"Can you get over here now? It's an emergency." I panic.
"Alright alright. Be there in 5" she ends. I made my way over to my bed and my tears slowly pour down.
"What the hell is going on?" She bursts through the door. She walks over to me and pulls me into a hug. I sob into her shoulder as she's trying to calm me down. I show her the test and she stares at me shocked.

*9 months later*
" Baby A, on September 4, 1:53 am." The midwife cheers as she's handing her off to the other nurse.
"Ok now just one more." She informs. I push for another 10 minutes before I got to see my other little baby.
"And Baby B, September 4, 2:14 am." The midwife beams. My Mum cut off the umbilical chords whilst crying.
"Congratulations Ms. Sugg! Your twins are perfectly healthy and are weighing at 5.2 and 4.8 pounds." The midwife smiles. I'm just glad the hours of pain are over and that the kids are healthy.
"Thank you." I reply as she's handing me the twins.
"You did it Zoe, they're adorable" Mum cries while kissing my forehead. "Even if their father was a douchebag."
He cheated on me with another girl and doesn't know the kids are his, neither will he deserve to know. I stare down at my little babies. They both have bright blue eyes and the cutest little smiles.
"Hi." I coo. After awhile, I hand the twins to Mum and Dad so I could sign some papers. Soon Chummy, Darcy, Tanya, Jim, Joe, and Caspar came into the room. Everyone had a turn to hold them as I was still deciding on names. I finally decided on the names, Mason Troy Sugg and Melody Gabriella Sugg. Once I finished, Mum tells me to get some rest and soon enough I fall asleep.

After I had the twins, I decided on starting a YouTube Channel. I didn't want to show Melody and Mason until they were a bit older for privacy reasons. However, I did post one vlog where I partially explained my decision so when I decided they were old enough, it wouldn't surprise people. The kids have to stay with my Mum sometimes due to my unpredictable schedule and the their football (soccer)/gymnastics practices and Nursery. They always understood that I was busy sometimes and take all of this very well surprisingly for only being 3. I've never heard anything from the father and I don't care anymore. I've moved on.
"Alfie, come on we have to get to the photoshoot." I plead as I get out of bed.
"Alright I'm coming little one." He smiles. We get ready up and out the door.
"It's our last day in America." I beam. "Even though I love it here, I just want to go home." I admit. I've been here for about a week because of a special Summer Youtuber event and I was invited to be on Ellen.
"Yeah same here. After this photoshoot how about we spend the day together just you and me?" He asks. I nod and he grabs my hand as we walk inside the building. Partway through the photoshoot, I get a phone call from my Mum.
"Excuse me. Can you give me a minute?" I beg. The photographer nods, I walk out of the room, and pick it up.
"Hey Mum." I start."
"Hey Zoe, what are you doing?" She asks.
"I'm at a photoshoot about to wrap it. Why?" I question.
"The kids wanted to call before they went to bed and I had to make sure you weren't in a meeting." She informs.
"Aww. Okay" I smile. She passes the phone over to kids.
"Hi babies." I beam.
"Hi Mummy, we miss you." They shout.
"I miss you guys so much. I'll be home tomorrow and I'll come pick you guys up alright? Now, you two need to get to bed, it's about 9:30 over there and you have classes tomorrow" I declare.
"Okay Mummy. Goodnight, Love you." They sigh.
"Goodnight little ones, love you too. Sweet dreams." I coo while I kiss into the phone. I walk out of the room and made my way to the set.
"Who was that?" Alfie asks.
"Just my Mum." I smile. I haven't exactly told Alfie about the kids yet because I needed to know if he was trustworthy and capable of raising them. Neither has he seen the old vlog about me explaining the situation. I would mostly go over his place but if he went to mine, the kids were usually at their Nan's house or football/gymnastics.
"Come on let's get this thing done." He smiles. I walk with him to the new set and finish the shoot.

Hi! Hoped you liked the beginning. Also if you have any ideas or suggestions, please leave a comment. Thanks for reading and hopefully get something new up soon. Bye!

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