Chapter 2

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On the day of her move Phoebe was visited in her room by Jolene who seemed genuinely pleased for her.

"Wow you are getting out of here that is just fab."

Studying the young girl's face Phoebe could not detect anything but a selfless delight in her release from Clarendon.

"You're not worried about the ox then?"

"I can take care of that one, don't you worry about me."

It was a brave face thought Phoebe but she wondered how truthful Jolene was actually being.

"When she comes for you make a run for it and if that is not possible scream as loud as you can. You are no match for her when it comes to a physical fight."

It may have been good advice but in reality if Kate Nolan wanted to hurt Jolene she would get to her somehow.

"Like I said I can take care of myself, I have been doing that for a long time."

She was beginning to sound like her-self thought Phoebe.

"There is no shame in asking for help and there are others here that hate the big ox."

A smile from Jolene showed Phoebe that she was not really listening and had resigned herself to her fate.

"Goodbye Phoebe I hope you never have to come back here."

"It is Maddie my friends call me Maddie or Maddison."

It was the first time since she had been taken away from home that she had told anyone her preferred name and Maddie was not quite sure why she had done it at the moment she was leaving Jolene behind.

Turning back Jolene said.

"Maddie? I love it. You never really suited Phoebe."

With that Jolene turned the corner and was gone, leaving her friend Maddie alone to contemplate what was in store for her at the Harrisons.

Jonathan Harrison was in his early forties and had been very successful in business and even though he was not sure that he wanted a strange fifteen year old girl under his roof he would do anything to please his wife Jennifer. It was Jennifer that wanted to foster and although she already had a sixteen year old son she felt that it was Important to help those less fortunate than herself.

The journey to Eynsford, a small village in Sevenoaks, was quick and uneventful. The duty social worker had tried to make conversation but Phoebe gave nothing back, leaving her to chatter on with no response whatsoever.

"Now that we are here I want you to be on your best behaviour young lady and do try to find your voice. I don't want them to think that I have bought them a mute girl."

Maddie did not really care what the Harrison's thought of her and would only speak if she felt that she had something worth saying.

"I will behave just like myself Mrs Archer and if they don't like it then I am quite happy to go back to Clarendon with you."

It was not quite true, Maddie hated Clarendon and thought that just about anywhere would be better but that was no reason to give Archer or anyone else that information. If they knew that you cared then they would also know that they could hurt you and worse they would know how to get to you.

"Hello Phoebe, it is lovely to meet you. This is my husband Jonathan and my son John. I do hope that you will enjoy your stay with us and come to think of this place as your home."

Fat chance thought Phoebe.

"Say hello Phoebe."

The prompt from Mrs Archer was not necessary as Maddie found the warmth coming from Jennifer Harrison compelling.

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