Chapter 21

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The Chancellor Helene Berghoff had been monitoring Maddie's progress ever since the news of the break out at Juvinescence reached her. It was not her usual practice to burst into her First Ministers offices but she thought the present circumstances justified her actions.

"You were supposed to contain the situation with this girl and yet I hear she is perched at the edge of the City with an army of Imps ready to descend upon us at any moment."

Having his decisions questioned like this was unacceptable to Jarod even if it was coming from the Chancellor.

"You must remain calm Helene I have everything under control."

"If this is your idea of control Jarod I question your judgement."

Jarod stood up to his full height and without raising his voice gave the Chancellor the full benefit of his powerful voice.

"We have worked well together for all these years because you have never felt the need to question my judgement and I would appreciate it if you would not do so now."

Helene would not be intimidated by the power of this man any longer.

"You will tell me of your intentions Jarod and I will hear of them now."

Jarod sat back down and began to talk to his superior as if she were a child.

"You do not understand the facts here Helene, we have to show strength against the rabble that is at our door and as for my intentions. I intend to let them march into the City and then line up the Academies against them."

"You want a bloodbath on our streets?"

"Hardly that Helene, it will be more of a skirmish where the Cadets teach them a well-earned lesson."

"Why let it get this far Jarod? You could have stopped them at Juvinescence."

"I refuse to use the State police against them apart from making martyrs of them I don't wish to give them that kind of respect."

"You were not quite so squeamish when it came to the Devs and by the way I think you went a little over the top with the clean-up."

"They too needed to be taught a lesson and some examples needed to be made."

"I was not suggesting that you use the police on children Jarod I am saying that someone needs to talk to this girl Maddison."

"I will talk to her when her rag-tag army is humiliated on the streets of the Capital by a smaller more disciplined force. I will then have her thrown in Juvi where she belongs along with the rest of her followers."

Helene was not completely satisfied with the answers she was receiving from her First Minister.

"Jarod if this fails then it will be your Cadets and you that is humiliated and I will have you removed from office."

"I appreciate that you are worried Helene but please do not make idle threats that you cannot back up."

"I have more than enough support to have you removed Jarod and I think you sometimes forget who you are talking to, you have made many enemies in your time and if this plan of yours fails then you are gone."

Jarod could see how serious the Chancellor was and began to wonder if she really did have the support of the council.

"You need more than fifty per cent of your ministers to back you to remove your First Minister and that will never happen."

"Be very careful Jarod and believe me when I say that I have all that I need to see you thrown out of office."

Could it be true had he really lost all of his supporters so quickly and over a young girl?

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