Chapter 13: The Truth that Binds Us

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The way the two women sat across from each other barely looking at one another would make one wonder whether they were the best of friends or the worst of enemies. If only the truth of the matter was a simple two choice question. They sat like dignified ladies. Backs straight posture perfect and they sipped tea. When they both realized that they looked identical and moved the same like programmed machines they both chuckled.

"How long has it been Victoria?"

"Almost 20 years sister." Victoria Wheeler said taking a sip of her tea.

"20 years... do you miss us at all?" Cassandra said uncrossing and then re-crossing her legs switching which one was on top.

"Almost every day." Victoria answered.

"Do you ever regret leaving?" Cassandra asked.

"Sometimes... then I look at my boys, and they fill me with so much joy it almost brings me to tears." Victoria answered.

"The invincible Victoria brought to tears... now I have heard it all." Cassandra said with a chuckle.

"Not so invincible these days it would seem."

"Maybe, the Victoria I knew would have turned the Vampire to dust without a second thought." Victoria chuckled in spite of herself.

"Almost did, but I didn't want to deal with the arduous task of explaining to my son why his girlfriend was in a pile on the floor."

"When do you plan on telling the boy that his mother is more than just a nurse at some hospital?" Cassandra asked setting her empty tea cup down.

"When the time is right I suppose..." Victoria said finishing her cup of tea and sitting her cup and saucer on the table in front of her.

"I feel that time might be looming near dear sister." Cassandra said, with a bit of a warning in her tone.

"What have you discovered?" Victoria asked sternly

"Your suspicions have been confirmed. Your son Drake has been consorting with Vampires, and of his own free will." Cassandra answered completely stoic. Victoria looked to be at a loss for words, but had plenty of thoughts that fact was clear on her face.

"What will the coven do?" She asked.

"Deal with the menace of course." Cassandra answered.

"And my son."

"We will leave it up to you to deal with him and keep him out of our way."

"That could prove difficult. When Drake's mind is set on something it is very hard to dissuade him."

"The difficulty only lies with your resistance to tell him the truth about him, and yourself." Cassandra said crossly.

"He will know, when I am ready for him to know!" Victoria snapped.

"If you wish to keep him safe his NEED to know should outweigh your desire to keep up your charade of normality!" Cassandra crossed.

"Is that threat." Victoria said ice cold.

"I would never!" Cassandra said sounding offended. "But if he is as hard headed and as soft heart as you make him out to be, he will probably run headlong into the crossfire, and that is not a scenario I wish to deal with, so I am hoping as his mother you can deal with it before it happens." Cassandra paused and took a breath. "Even if that means divulging your secret."

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