Text 1 - Sorrow

111 10 5

My hearts hurts so much, as if it is on fire,

My soul feels drifts in the infinity of the nothingness,
My world becomes grey, with no sight of light,
My ground crumbles if i see you before me,
Tears are flowing like rivers as i see youre face smiling at me,
I know youre going to a better place, but you leave me behind,
What should i do without your helping hand, without youre guidiance, without you,
I see you right befor me, but you are going away from me, i reach out my hand to you and scream your name,
But you only smiled at me,
My ground breaks away and i am falling into the darkness of despair and sorrow,
More and more are you vanishing from my site,
Darkness is filling me up,
All my emotions are sealed away,
I become a machine,
Unable to feel even the slightest bit,
The only thing you have given me,
That whats driving me to move on,
Are the memories we shared,
I will protect them no matter what,
Because in my memories,
You still live on, even if youre gone for a long time.

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