chapter 15

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Natalie's Pov:

I got to the mall a few minutes late but when i explained what happened to Alyssa she really didnt care but knowing her she literally never cares when im late as long as she gets to see me, we never get to hang very much so when we do we enjoy the little time, im sad that i won't be able to cuddle with luke tonight when we go to bed but ill see him tomorrow tho, me an Alyssa went dress shopping mostly an bought some make-up an jewelry an shoes an lots of clothes, we had an all girls day, we went an got our hair done an then our nails an we also went to the spa, cause we were both stressed to the max but after this day we would be pretty calm, an not stressed so much.

 " okay, well this has been so much fun Nat! I've missed you soo much, wanna go get something to eat?" she asked excitedly, " uh, duh an i know, ive missed you a lot too an i this has been fun" i said excitedly, i was so happy to be hanging with her, " so! where you wanna go? i was thinking chinese but im not feeling it so much anymore" she said sadly, " how about we go get greco? you've always loved them an i am actually craving some pizza an a coke an then maybe we can go get some ice cream after! what do you think?" i asked excitedly, " uh, i love the sounds of that, lets go!" she said excitedly, we get there an its pretty empty other than the couple in the back corner an a family at a window booth, we go up an order what we want, once we get it we take a window booth an dig in, the good thing is, the ice cream parlor is across the street so that's awesome. i have had so much fun with Alyssa today an later im thinking about asking her to be my maid of honor once i actually tell her about the engagement.

" so Alyssa, i have something i have to ask you" i say as we finish up an head over to the ice cream parlor, " uh sure, go ahead!" she says smiling, " will you be my maid of honor?" i asked excitedly,  her eyes look like they are gonna pop out of her head, " OF COURSE!" she screams excitedly, " shh! calm down, an i want to ask Megan an Bree to be my brides maids" Megan and Bree are 2 of my other friends that i barely talk to, " i will get them to call you the next time i see them, which is probably tomorrow cause Megan's sister is having her baby shower, you weren't invited cause her sister still doesn't like you for some reason but you really shouldn't care about that" she said opening the door to the ice cream parlor, the nice cool air seemed to just hit me in the face an it felt so nice, " yeah, i really don't care, i've learned to get over her sisters shit" i said going up to the ice cream dude, " hi! what would you like?" he asked nicely, " umm, ill take a small two scoops, one scoop of mint chip and another of peanut butter fudge crunch please" i said getting the money out of my wallet, he handed me my ice cream cone an i handed him the money, " an you?" he looked at Alyssa, " umm, can i have a soft vanilla please" she said getting out her wallet, he handed it to her an she handed him the money, an we were silent the whole walk back to my car an then the whole drive to her place.

another short chapter, im sorry i just couldn't think of anything else to write, but thanks for reading!

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