Chapter 53

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3 years later

Natalie's pov:

" Aisha! Kyle! Stop jumping on the couch! " I yell getting frustrated, I'm trying to work but they won't settle down, " I'll get them babe! Get back to work! " Luke says kissing my head, "Thanks Hun!" I say grabbing my song book, after I found out I was rich we didn't move from our house but we got renovations and I hired a maid but I decided not to hire a butler or chef because I like to cook, after about a year I started work at a cafe that had talent nights on Fridays so I started entering them and then I finally got noticed about a year later by a big time record label and I signed a contract with them and so they've made me famous in run of a year even tho I was already kinda famous just being Luke's wife.

Everybody needs inspiration
Everybody needs a song
A beautiful melody
When the nights so long

That's all I got so far but they aren't really pressuring me to right a new song but I owe it to my fans, " Kyle! Don't hit your sister! " Luke yells, I can hear the frustration in his voice, "Kids! Who wants to go see nana Liz!?" I yell walking upstairs, they jump of the couch and run towards me, " me " Aisha says with a smile, " Me! " Kyle says with a giggle as his breathless daddy follows behind him, " Okay! I'll call her! Get daddy to help you get dressed! " I said with a smile, they turn around to their father and lift their arms up for him to pick them up, "okay kiddos! Let's go!" He says and walks up the stairs to their rooms, I grab my phone and call Liz.

" Hello? " she answers
" Hey Liz! It's Natalie! " I say cleaning the living room
" Hey love! What's up? " she asks chipperly
" Can you come pick up the twins!? They want nana Liz! " I say with a small laugh, I hear her laugh on the other end
" Yeah! I'll be there soon! " she says, I can hear the smile in her voice
" Kay! thanks Liz! " I say then hang up

It's a good thing that she accepted cause I need to talk to Luke anyway! "Mommy! Me princess" Aisha giggles, I look to the top of the stairs and she's wearing her fake tiara and the white dress with pink flowers I bought her for their birthday, " Yes you are! Your my princess " I say with a smile, she smiles back then runs back to her room, " So is daddy! " I hear her yell and then she walks out holding Luke's hand as he is wearing a pink tutu and one of her fake tiaras, I burst out laughing and fall in the couch, it's a good 20 minutes before I actually calm down, Luke took off the tutu an tiara and his mom had just pulled in, she knocks and walks in, I kiss my children on the head and whisper, " Have fun my angels! See you tomorrow " I say with a smile, they hug me and Luke before running over to Liz, " I'll have them home after supper!" She says with a smile then leads them out the door shutting it behind her.
" Luke! " I yell downstairs, " Yeah babe!? " he yells back, " Can we talk? " I ask nervously, " Sure babe what's up!? " he asks, " Well umm... " I say not sure of how to start it, " We... I'm... " this isn't going well, " Are you leaving me? " he asks scared, " No! Oh god no baby! I love you! " I say laughing from surprise, " Baby.... I have a present for you! " I say handing him a gift bag, he opens it and pulls out his favourite candy then a neck chain I got him then an envelope, he opens it and shakes the contents into his hand, he looks at it before looking up at me "I won a Grammy!" I say with a smile, his eyes are rimmed with tears and he has a smile on his face, he kisses me before pulling away, " When? " you know that " Netflix and Chill " night? " I asked him, his eyes go wide, " 3 Months? " he asks, " yeah... It was a complete " I was about to finish that when my phone rings, " One sec " I say answering it

" Hello? " I answer
" NAT!!! " Marcy screams in the phone
" MARCY!! " I scream back, Luke gives me a weird look
" I have BIG news! " she say happily
" Me too! " I say with a laugh
" Let's invite everyone over to mine and Luke's place so we can tell them! " I say with a smile
" Great idea! See you in an hour? " she says excitedly
" Yeah! See you then love! " I say and hang up

" Like I was saying it was a complete surprise and it's next my date!? " I say with a smile, " Id be happy to! " he said then kisses me, "Well Marcy has Big news so everyone's coming here! " I say sending a group chat.

Everyone meet at mine and Luke's place! Me and Marcy got BIG news for ya'll~ me

Kk ~ all

A lot has happened the past few years, Cal and Marcy got together and Alyssa is pregnant, Ashton is married and Michael has a girlfriend, the boys still do their shows and stuff, the one direction boys have girlfriends and my mom found a new guy after all these years and Liz is happy being single, everyone gathered at my place within the hour, everyone bringing their significant other, as Marcy and calum walked in she left him and came over to me, " Can we talk a minute? " she asked fidgety, " Yeah! Let's go upstairs! " I said and lead her to my bedroom, "what's up?" I ask, " Well I need advice on how to tell everyone I'm pregnant..... An by everyone I'm including cal! " she says quietly, " Oh my god! Congrats! " I say with a smile, " Thanks but I'm scared! " she says worriedly, " Cal proposed to me this morning when I wanted to tell him so it ruined it! " she said sitting on my bed, "your Engaged!!?" I squealed, " yeah! " she said happily, " Well I'll tell you a little secret! " I said, she nodded, " I'm pregnant too! " I say with a smile! She squeals and hugs me, " now when u and cal share the news about the engagement, after that you say you have another announcement, then turn to cal and just say " I'm pregnant! " and that should be awesome " I say with a smile, " Okay! Let's go! " she says and we walk downstairs.

" Okay everyone! Listen up! We're all gathered here today cause me and Luke and Marcy and Cal have BIG news for you all! So please be quiet! " I say with a laugh, I quickly pull Marcy off to the side, " Instead we will both stand up and say the pregnancy news together, we will look at our boys at the same time! " I say and she smiles, " Okay well Cal and Marcy first! " I say and they stand up, " Well.... We're ENGAGED!! " Marcy squeals, everyone's eyes widen then they congratulate them, " Okay well me and Marcy have more news for ya'll " I say with a smile, we turn towards our men, they look at us strange, then we both say together "We're Pregnant!" The boys eyes almost pop out of their heads but they hug and kiss us soon after, everyone congratulates us and we hang and talk till they decide to leave, " It's a girl! " I whisper in his ear, "How do you know?" He asks in a whisper, "I don't! I just feel like it is!" I whisper smiling, "I'd be happy with either!" He smiles and kisses me on the forehead.

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