How You Met - Murder House

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You weren't very happy about moving into this new house. It was apparently where a lot of people died. Though it intrigued you very. You couldn't help but smile.
You sit at your desk and sigh. Your shitty homework was hard as fuck. You start getting cold. You go to get your jacket. You turn to see a boy behind you. He had messy dirty blonde hair.
"Who are you? How did you get in here?" You say, grabbing a glass chest thing. Ready to bash his head in. He flashes a small smile at me.
"Your mom let me in." He says. I nod, setting the box back down. I let him in fully. I smile a bit. "Tate. Tate Langdon."


She was the new kid, some of the girls here gave her a shitty time. But you found her beautiful. You never talked to her though. Sighing, you walk up to her. Playing with your sleeves, nervously. She looks over at me.
"If you're here to make me eat a cigarette, fuck off." She hisses and you give her a sympathetic smile.
"No, I'm not. I just wanted to come over and introduce myself. I'm actually wanting to be friends.
"Oh. Well, I'm Violet Harmon. You?" She smiles at you, sticking her hand out.
"(Your First/Last Name)." You smile.


You had depression and anxiety. Your old psychiatrist moved away. Leaving you to find a new one.
You groan, calling up some psychiatrist. Ben Harmon.
"Hi, is this Ben Harmon?"
You knock on the door to the house. The door opens to a very, very handsome adult male. You smile at him, then you bite your bottom lip.
"Hello, (Your First Name). Ben Harmon." He sticks his hand out to you. You accept the hand shake.


You walk to the house with your son, who was eager to get candy. You ring the door bell. Soon the door opens, leaving you there in utter shock. Her beauty, her smile, god she was perfect. You smile at her.
"Hi, I'm (Your First/Last Name). I live across the street." You smile at her.
"Vivian Harmon." She smiles at you.
Comment people I missed, that you would like to see.
Hope you enjoyed, loves.

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