First 'I Love You' - Coven

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     It wasn't you who said I love you first it was her.
     "Jesus Christ! I won't ever fucking get this done!" You scream a bit, scaring some people in the house. You feel a presence behind you. Hands clasp on your shoulders.
     "Honey, calm down." Cordelia hushes you. "I'm here, baby. I love you." She whispers in your ear. A small blush spreads across your face.
     "Delia, thank you. I love you too." You lean into her touch.


You met once and a while after school. You never let those three words slip out ever. But, like always, you make accidents.
"Kyle. I love you..." You say to him. He smiles, softly.
"Thank god. I love you too." He says.


Misty and you would lay on your bed, listening to Stevie all the time. But words flew out of your mouth way to fast.
     "Misty, I love you, so much." You say, way to fast.
     "Baby, I love you too." Misty says, rolling around to you.


     You smile, going through your girlfriends closet. She wanted you to choose her outfit today. Which you usually did every three days or so. You picked out a cute, black dress with a pair of flats.
     "It's great. I love you, baby." Zoe hums to you.


     Madison usually wasn't affectionate. At all. But, sometimes was the best thing ever. But she never really said I love you.

{alrighty so again. Comment who you want to see. xoxo, Kat}

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