First 'I Love You'- Asylum

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You two sat next to each other on one of the couches, holding hands. He smiles at you.
"I love you. Is that to soon?" You ask him. He shakes his head.
"No, because I love you too." He says, then kisses your forehead.


     You see Lana walking into the main room everyone's in. She spots you then comes over to you.
      "(Name), I'm getting out of here in three days. I'm gonna come and get you out after." She smiles. You smile too.
      "That's really great." You say. She nods.
      "I will come back for you. Wanna know why?" She asks. You raise an eyebrow. "Because I love you." After she says this, your smile spreads even bigger.
     "I love you too. I can't wait to get out." You say.

Sister Mary-

     You knew being sent to Sister Mary wasn't a bad thing. You were excited. But you had to keep your shit together. You walk into her office.
     "You need me?" You ask her. She smiles then dismisses the worker. He closes the door and leaves.
      "Just wanted you to know, I love you. A lot." She says, causing you to smile.

{New update. I'm very active on this right now. Not on my Instagram but here I am. Xoxo, Kat}

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