First 'I Love You' - Freakshow

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    You slowly walk to Jimmy after the show. He was eating dinner. You had been with the group of people for a bit now. Not that you cared, just you were lucky to be with the kindest people. Besides, well, Maggie. You throw your arms around Jimmy's neck.
"You did wonderful tonight." You grin at him.
"This is why I love you so much." He says. You raise an eyebrow at him, still smiling. "You always cheer me up with your witty remarks and your kindness.
"Well in that matter, I guess, I love you too." You laugh.

Bette and Dot-

     You usually hung around with Bette and Dot in their tent. You'd comb their hair for them, help them choose clothes, and well, flirt with them. You, being in the Darling family, had a way with the ladies.
     You pull the brush through Bette's hair. You didn't notice Bette staring at you in a certain way. It was an loving way. Nobody but your ma knew about who you were dating. Who you were dating so happened to be, Bette and Dot. You look up from their hair into the mirror.
     "What?" You chuckle at Bette, when you see she's looking at you. She hums.
     "Nothing, just admiring how much I love you." She giggles softly. You smirk at her then kiss her cheek.
     "I love you too." Dot says, smiling.
     "I'm not going to forget today. Because, I love you both." You kiss Dot's cheek.

Amazon Eve-

     Your parents were getting confused about why you stuck around the 'freaks' all the time. But, in honesty, you were in a relationship with one of them. Eve. Eve was an amazing women. Let's be honest, she was rather hot too.
     "(Your Name)! Breakfast!" You heard Eve yell for you. You start walking towards the tent where food was served. You let everyone go get food first. "Why aren't you going to get food?" Eve asks you. You look up at her, smiling.
     "It's good to be generous. Let them get food first. Be considerate." You say to her. A smile spreads across her face.
     "I love you." She says to you.
     "That is rather considerate don't you think?" You chuckle. "I love you too."


     You sat in Dandy's room, waiting for him to comeback. He told you to wait there as he went to collect a few items. The longer you waited, the more bored you grew.
     "I'm back." You hear Dandy. He walks into the room with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. "These are beautiful flowers for a beautiful women. Who I love so much." He smiles at you.
     "Though, I don't agree with beautiful women. I love you too." You hum.


Okay, so, you should check out my new story about Sarah Paulson. It's called "Three Words". It's going to be a shorter story. Maybe twenty chapters at least. Maybe though. It would make me happy if you checked it out. -Kat

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