Chapter Two

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I drove over to Madison’s house. I let myself in and ran up to her room. She didn’t usually wake up until the very last minute, so I always had to wake her up. It wasn’t the case this morning.

“Hey girl, guess what?” She smiled.

“We are graduating today!” I yelled.

“Yes!” She squealed.

We didn’t need to show up at school until 10, because graduation was at 11. It was nine at the time.

We prepared our hair, makeup, and even picked out special clothes to wear under our gowns.

We were ready by 9:45, so we hopped in my car and drove straight to school.

There was already a huge crowd of students there and we found our spots quickly, and then talked to a bunch of other people.

Graduation finally started at about 11:15, speeches were made, and caps were thrown. The crowd cheered for the graduating class of 2010.

When the ceremony was finally over, I found Madison again.

“You ready?” I asked her.

“I’ve been ready all my life.” Typical Madison.

We both got into my car again and drove down to Tyler’s house.

There was already loud music as we stepped out of the car. Tyler had a huge house with a front and back balcony, a mini bar, and a pool in the back yard.

We walked inside as the music blasted. There had to be at least 200 hundred people in the house. Plastic red cups were thrown everywhere. Some people were already drunk, others were dancing llike crazy.

“Hey! I’m gonna get a drink, okay?” Madison yelled.

“Kay!” I screamed back.

She moved fast through the crowd unit I couldn’t even see her anymore.

I stood there for a second trying to figure out what to do when I felt a hand grab my arm.

I turned around out of shock to see who it was.

“Tyler!” I gasped.

He smiled, “Hey! Glad you showed up!”

“Yeah!” I yelled over the music.

“Come here, I have to show you something.” He grabbed my hand and led me away.

He led me up one flight of stairs and to a little back room.

It seemed to be the only room that was empty.

“Here we are.” Tyler said as he let go of my hand.

It was a nice room, a couch, TV, a couple chairs all filled up the room. There wasn’t anything special about it though.

“Well, what did you want show me?” I asked.

“Well, it’s not so much having to show you, as it is having to tell you. I just needed a quiet place to say it.”

I swallowed. “Really?” I smiled slyly, “and what is it you wanted to tell me?”

“Well, for a long time, well, I really should just come out and say it. I like you, a lot.” He chuckled, “Sorry, I sound like I’m back in sixth grade or something.”

“No, it’s alright.” I smiled, looking up to his eyes.

“Well,” Tyler moved closer and wrapped his hands around my waist.

“Yeah?” I said waiting any moment for him to kiss me.

“I guess you do to.” He said centimeters from my lips. He moved in and barely touched my lips when I heard a police siren wailing. He turned to the window and opened the shade.

“Fuck!” Tyler screamed.

“What?” I asked suddenly concerned.

“Someone called the cops, again!” He said running towards the door. “I’m so sorry, Jenny, I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

Another lost kiss, and another soon-to-be-broken promise.

Tyler left the room and I ran after him.

I felt another arm grab me, it turned out to be Madison.

“We have to go, NOW!” She screamed.

We made our way through the huge crowd, all scrambling to get out. We ran across the front yard and got into my car as fast as we could. I started it and drove away.

“God, that was close!” Madison screamed as the car roared away from the house which two cop cars showed up at.

“Yeah.” I said disappointedly.

“What’s wrong with you?” Madison asked.

“He was gonna kiss me.” I pouted.

“Who?” she gasped, “Tyler?!”

“Yeah, then the cops showed up, and it was over before it began.”

“Sorry honey.” She reached over to hug me and I could smell alcohol in her breath.

“Drink a little too much?”

“Not enough.” She smiled.


No lie guys, this is by far  my favorite music video in the WHOLE entire world. II'm positive I will be using it again, but here it is for you. ENJOY!

So comment, and tell me what you think.

Make You Come Just To Watch You Leave |Alex Gaskarth| (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now