Im sorry!

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As Brooke walked into school once again she saw big bulk letters on her locker expecting it to be the same as a couple of days ago but as she walked forward,it wasn't the same. SLUT yet again it was Mackenzie and her 'crew'. "Oh no somebody found out you Learnt to much in sex ed and decided to do a demonstration last night!" Chelsea sneered "how did you find.." Brooke started but got inturuptud by the snap of Chelsea's fingers."like Mackenzie said a while ago,does not matter how WE found out it matters that EVERYONE now knows how much of a whore you are". but..but" Brooke stuttered "how bout you just shut up and go kill yourself little slut" Chelsea sneared once again. Brooke ran once again and the same old routine but this time she forgot to lock the door. luke came bursting in "Brooke" Luke burst in shouting, luke had caught her in the act "luke" Brooke said trying to hide it all "I thought you promised?" Like said almost breaking a tear "I'm sorry" Brooke said and once again ran off home but this time not to cut again, to write a note to put on her bed it read, "mum,luke whoever is reading this I'm sorry I love you both none of this is your fault I'm sorry but after I go I have a bit of a death wish,i wish that when it's my funereal everyone who comes has to write a promise to me and carry that promise everyday.and those written promises be in my coffin with me thank you I love you!
Love Brooke." after Brooke wrote that she sat in the bath and cut and cut until she passed out,unconscious. luke came in saw Brooke and called 000 and at the hospital the doctor came out. "I'm sorry she lost a lot of blood I'm sorry for your loss" the doctor said in sympathy. luke stated crying went to Brooke house to cry than he found the note.

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