As Chelsea walked with Mackenzie Mackenzie noticed something on her wrist a scar. "Chelsea your not doing a Brooke are you?" Mackenzie said "no I don't Evan know where there coming from I've got 2 of them it's feaking me out!!" Chelsea exclaimed. *ring* went the bell to go home as Chelsea began walking home she felt stabbing pains in her wrist there were now 6 scars, Chelsea rushed home to call Mackenzie.
*on the phone*
"Mackenzie I've got 6 scars"
"I don't know"
"Than call me when you know"
Than Mackenzie hung up. Just as she hung up a 7th scar appeared.all Chelsea could see was Brooke's bloody face than she stoped breathing.Later that day Chelsea was found in a bathtub full with blood...dead. on the bath tub In dark blackish reddish blood it read 'bitchie Britney'
Is it funny now?
Paranormal15 year old Brooke moves away from her home town, new school,new start,new friends but that's not all! 5 girls are the mean girls at the school and picks on Brooke. Brooke becomes seversidel, but how seversidel will she get? Step inside wenchester h...