CHAPTER 15 (Travis)

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"It's a woman," Ethan said, as he opened my fridge and grabbed a beer.

"I know the signs. You can try to shit with me whatever hogwash you want to spew, but I've been there, dude."

Ethan was becoming a pain in my ass. He was my step-father's nephew, and I'd been raised with him as my cousin. Although we weren't related by blood, it didn't seem to matter.

I had needed his help today with the horses, but I was ready for him to leave now. Blair would be calling soon. And Ethan was the last person I wanted here when she called.

"We're done for the day. Take the beer and go home. I'm getting s shower, then hitting the sack. I'm beat." I walked past the kitchen and toward my bedroom.

"Right there. That. Is. Bull. Shit," she called after me.

"Woman bullshit. Seen it. Know it."

I hated how close he was to the truth. Blair was on my mind most of the day, every damn day. I looked forward to her calls way more than I should. But damn, her voice made me smile. Hearing how excited she was over her progress also got to me.

"Leave," I fired back, and slammed the bedroom door behind me.

I had started pull in off my boots when my cousin decided to bang on my door.

"Who is it? Can't be Celeste. You'd have done more than tsp that ass years ago if you wanted her. She's more than available. Wait..... Miami Place. You met someone there, didn't you? Rich babe? Got cash? Got a sister? No, wait, I don't want her sister. I still want a go st your hot, single sister."

Gosh, could he be anymore annoying?

"Go on, Eth. I'm not giving you anything. There is no woman. Leave and let me shower in peace. Fucking pest."

Ethan's laughter filtered through the door.

"Thou doth protest too much." He slapped the door once again.

"Fine. Be like that. But you'll admit it soon enough. Or I'll figure this shit out."

I didn't respond to him. I waited until his footsteps had moved toward the front door. When the door opened and closed, I let out a sigh of relief. Glancing at the clock, I saw that I had forty-five minutes before she was due to call. I could shower and grab something to eat.

If Ethan knew about Blair, he'd say something to my mother. Then I'd never hear the end of it. I loved my mom, but she would ask questions. I wasnt ready to answer questions. I wasn't even sure where this was going with Blair. Denying that I was attracted to her was pointless. I had admitted that to myself.

Hell, I'd been thinking about that freckle under her ass since the first moment I saw her. But it was more than just lust now. I liked Blair. I liked the woman she was inside. And at first, I'd been afraid it was pity and that my emotions were wrapped up in feeling sorry for her and wanting to help her.

I didn't think that anymore. Blair didn't want pity. She didn't require it. She was tough. Much tougher than I had given her credit for. I respected her ability to roll with the punches of life and keep fighting. With a body like hers, she could have used those assets to follow another path in life. But she hasn't done that. Instead, she worked hard cleaning houses, and she was proud of her job.

There was more, much more to Blair than I had first assumed, so much more than I could have expected. And she was getting to me, and she didn't even realize it. But I had to face the fact that she might not want that. It was very likely that Blair wasn't interested in me for anything more than friendship.

Maybe that was for the best. For starters, we lived several states away from each other. That in itself was an issue. And it wasn't like she would up and move just to date me, and moving my ranch to Miami Place was impossible. I had a job and a future here.

Stepping into the shower, I decided that i wouldn't think about that now. There was no point. This needed to be taken slowly. My fantasies about her, would remain just that.

Thirty minutes later, my phone rang ad I was standing on my front porch finishing a beer, still thinking about her.

"Hey," I said, as I answered on the first ring.

"Hey. I'm earlier than usual. I hope that's ok." She sounded excited.

I smiled.

"Yeah. That's fine. I wasn't doing anything but waiting for you to call anyway."

"Oh." Was her only response.

"How did tonight go?" I asked.

Dr. Michael Roberto, Dr. Ryker VanWoodson's boss, was also giving me full reports once a week via email. He had agreed not to mention the fact that I was paying him to help Blair. I didn't think she would be willing to work with him if she knew. I wanted her mind completely free of any distractions from learning.

"Great. I read him a chapter of the book he had given me last week. It wasn't fast or anything, but I read it without panicking or getting s word wrong. I also took a spelling test. The first one I've ever passed in my life," she added, sounding giddy.

The idea of never being able to pass a spelling test slice me a little inside. I hated thinking about the girl who had struggled and been ignored.

"That's amazing. I'm so proud of you, but then, I knew you could do it. Never doubted you." I assured her.

"I'm still waiting for you to be brave enough to read to me."

That always made her go silent on me. She was still scared to read to me, but dammit, I wanted her to trust me. I wanted her to feel comfortable with it. Knowing she read to Dr.VanWoodson made me jealous of the man. Which was ridiculous but true. I started to assure her that she didn't have to if she wasn't ready, but she spoke first.

"Ok, um, let me go and get the book I read tonight." She said softly.

Maybe it was selfish to let her do this when she was obviously too nervous, but I wanted this bad.

"I'm honoured," I admitted.

A soft laugh came over the phone.

"I keep telling myself that you've heard me sing, and my reading isn't as bad as that, so I can do this."

Only this woman could make me grin like a fool over the damn phone.

"That is true," I agreed, teasingly.

She laughed again.

"Its not a deep read or anything. Tell me when you've had enough. My feelings won't be hurt. This may bore you to death."

I'd let her read the whole book if she would.

"I will. Read to me."

For the next thirty minutes, I settled into the rocking chair on my front porch with my legs propped up on the railing and listened to Blair's sweet voice reading to me over the phone. She only got hung up a few times, and I helped her quickly so she wouldn't get nervous and stop on me. It was the best thirty minutes I'd had all week.

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