CHAPTER 29 (Travis)

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When ten thirty rolled around and I still hadn't heard from Blair, I called her instead. Something was wrong. She'd have called me by now if everything was fine. Her phone rang until it went to voicemail. I hung up and tried again. The same thing happened.

I tried to tell myself not to panic. Then dialed Owen's number.

He answered on the third ring.


"Have you seen Blair?" I asked, not letting him finish his greeting.

"Yeah, she was walking home later than usual, and I gave her a ride back. She said she had a headache and was going to get a shower and head to bed."

A headache was normal. I didn't need to panic. But dammit I wanted to know she was okay. Not hearing her voice didn't sit well with me.

"Go check on her. She's not answering her phone. And I need to know she's okay. She could be sick."

Owen sighed.

"I am assuming this command so means you will be stay in on the phone with me while I do your bidding."

I didn't even care that he was being a smartass. I just wanted to know that Blair was okay.

"Yeah, that's what it means."

"Fine. But if she's sleeping, this is going to wake her up."

I'd thought about that, but I couldn't not know. I kept imagining her sick in the bathroom, too weak to call someone, or passed out on the floor. My fears were becoming more and more exaggerated by the second.

"You sure are protective over her. You'd think the two of you were in a serious relationship," he said, in an amused tone.

"We are in a serious relationship. Did she not tell you that?"

Owen cleared his throat.

"She wasn't sure what you were in. But she did tell me that she couldn't double date with me because she didn't think you'd like that."

Damn right I wouldn't like it. What did Blair think all that was this weekend? I came to town to stop her from dating someone else. I made my interest very clear, over and over.

"She thought right," was my only response.

This wasn't a conversation I wanted to have with Owen.

"I guess if you're not getting any on the side, then-"

"Owen, are you trying to find out if I'm fucking other women while I'm in California? Because of that is what this is and you're trying to protect Blair, then understand something; I don't want anyone bit Blair. Ever. So stop trying to rile me up, and go check on my woman. Now."

Owen chuckled. "Well, alright, then. I can do that."

I breathed a sigh of relief. She wasn't thinking of dating other people. Owen just wanted to see if I was. I'd be pissed at him if it wasn't for the fact that he cared about been he was just trying to watch out for her. I liked that.

I waited while Owen walked over to Blair's apartment and knocked on the door.

"Blair, honey if you're awake, could you open up? I got an angry cowboy on my phone interrupting my soaps."

I waited while I listened to Owen knock again.

"I hear the latch," Owen said, and the panic slowly started to ease.

"Hey," her sold voice said from inside her apartment.

"You wanna talk to him?" Owen asked.

I heard the muffled sound of them whispering with a hand over the receiver. I hated it. Something was wrong. I was going to have to leave shit here again and go back to Miami Place.

"Hey, sorry, I was asleep. It was a long day." Blair's voice came over the phone, thick with sleep. She wasn't lying. Shed been in bed. She was okay.

"Do you feel sick? Have Owen check your temperature," I said, feeling anxious that something was off.

"I'm fine. No fever, I promise. I'll call you tomorrow. I just needed to sleep tonight. But I'm not sick. I don't feel sick."

Something was wrong, I could feel it.

"Okay, sleep, then baby. I'll want to hear your voice in the morning, though. I wont be able to focus until I know you're better."

"I'll call." She assured me.

"Good night, sweet dreams," I whispered, just before ending the call.

Fuck, I wasn't going to get any sleep Noe. Something was wrong, and she wasn't going to tell me what it was. I had sold the quarter horse today, but I had to be here when the buyer came to load it up tomorrow. He was also bringing the check so we could finalize the paperwork. Then I had to go to the stockyards and get some cattle. I should have gone yesterday. As it was, I was behind on shit .

But blair needed me, and I couldn't be there. Another reason I wanted her here. Hell, I couldn't tell her that yet, though. She wasn't even ready yo let me touch her pussy.

Throwing my phone, I went to the fridge to get a beer. I had a long night a head of me , and if I started thinking about Blair's pussy. It was going to get longer.

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