CHAPTER 16 (Blair)

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After my first time reading to Travis , our twice-a-week phonecalls became a nightly thing. On the days when I didn't have lessons, Travis called me. He wanted me to read to him before he went to bed.

I wondered how much he really wanted to hear me read. I had a feeling he was trying to get me to practice with him. This was his way of making sure that I got comfortable reading in front of people.

Hearing his voice at night before bed was comforting. It was odd how easily I drifted off to sleep once I had talked to him. He always ended the calls with "good night and sweet dreams."

As if my body was at his command, I had exactly that. Each night was good, and my dreams were always of him, so they were very sweet.

Getting control over my growing affection for this man was something I needed to do, and fast. Travis was a friend. One of the best a girl could have. I didn't want to mess that up for anything. And if I made him uncomfortable, this could all end. That was too depressing to consider.

"Earth to Blair. I'm asking you a question. Where did you go?" Owen sat down across from me on the sofa.

His visit was unexpected, but he'd come with ice cream again, and I couldn't kick him out. By my phone would ring soon, and I wanted Owen to be gone when that happened. I didn't want to tel Travis that I couldn't talk.

"Sorry. I was thinking about stuff. Ignore me. I'm tired."

Owen cocked am eyebrow as if he didn't believe me.

"Really? Too tired for rocky road?"

No I wasn't too tired for rocky road. I was too excited about hearing Travis' voice for rocky road.

"Of course not," I took the spoon he'd stuck into the container for me and took a big bite.

"Easy girl, brain freeze is a bitch." Owen warned.

Smiling, I silently agreed and took my time before another bite.

"Next weekend. I'm not waiting anymore. You are going out with the doctor. Its a double date. You pick the night. Friday or Saturday because its happeneing. I'm done waiting for you."

Crap. He wasn't letting this go. He mentioned it at least once a week. I had been avoiding answering. But maybe this was a good thing. I was too focused on  Travis, and that couldn't be good.

If I dated, I might be able to distract myself. That seemed highly unlikely, but at least if Travis was getting the idea that I was interested in him, this would throw him off. He wouldn't have to worry about my affection for him. And that meant he wouldn't stop calling me.

"Friday night would be best."

Owen beamed and punched a fist into the air.

"Yes! Victory! Score!"

Before I could respond, my phone rang, and I glanced down at my lap to see the country boots on my screen. I picked it up before Owen saw it.

"This is important. Its about a class I'm thinking of taking. Can we finish this tomorrow maybe?"

He looked curious, but I knew the pleading look I was giving him would be enough to get him to leave. The phone stopped ringing but immediately rang again, and I answered it before it stopped.

"Hey, give me just a minute," I told Travis, then stood up to open the door forOwen, who was watching me with even more open curiosity now.

"I don't believe you, but I'll let it slide." Owen whispered, wagging a finger at me.

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