CHAPTER 27 (Travis)

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Celeste's truck was in my drive when I got back from eating lunch with my parents. Not what I wanted to deal with today, or ever. I needed to get my wallet and head to the stockyards. I was already running late.

I opened the door to the house and cursed myself for leaving it unlocked. Apparently, I was going to have to start locking it up, because my neighbor was refusing to listen to me and go away.

"Cell, where you at?" I called out, when I opened the door to an empty living room.

"Come find me," she called out teasingly.

Shit. Not good.

I threw my work gloves down and toed off my boots to keep from tracking mud into the house. Then I headed to the bedroom to kick out my visitor.

Sure enough, there she was, naked on my bed. I was going to have to wash the sheets to get her smell off them. I was tired and done with this shit. She had taken it a step too far this time.

"Get your clothes on and leave."

"Don't. Travis. Look at me. You wanted this once. We were so good together. I want you. So bad.," she said, opening her kegs and slipping her hand between them and started playing with herself.

"You've gone too far, Celeste. I want you out of my house. If I need to call my momma to come get you to leave, I will." I threatened.

I figured the idea of my momma finding her naked in my bed was enough to get any woman up and moving.

"Travis, don't do this. Please. I miss you. I need you so bad. I want you to fuck me however you want me. I'll give you anything you want. Let me suck your dick. You can gag me with it like you love to do."


My angry shout finally shut her up.

"I'm with someone. She's all I want. All I'm ever going to want. So I need you to get your clothes and get out of my house, Cell. Now."

I turned and left her by here, not liking the image of her on my bed. That should be Blair there. Sweet, sexy Blair.

I would need to get new sheets and a new mattress before I brought Blair here. Get rid of what I'd fucked Celeste and a few other women on. Blair was too good to be where they been. She was special.

Celeste's footsteps finally alerted me that she'd given up. When I looked up, she was carrying her clothes and strutting naked through my house. Damn, did she not have ant shame at all? I turned my back to her so she wouldn't think I was looking at her in any way and enjoying this shit.

When the door slammed behind her and I heard her truck start up, I finally let out a sigh of relief and headed to my bedroom to strip my damn sheets. Luckily, my mother made sure I always had two sets of sheets. She said you always needed a backup. Like always, my mother was right.

Once I was done, I knew I'd wasted too much time. I would have to go to the stockyard first thing the next day. I had a man coming at four to look at a horse I was selling. I needed to get things cleaned IP from our morning routine before he got here.

Ethan was walking up to the house from my parents' place when I came back outside.

"You not going to the stockyards?" He called out from down the hill.

"No, I'm waiting until tomorrow morning. Got that quarter I'm selling that I need to get cleaned up from her run this morning."

Ethan nodded.

"I'm headed out, then. Got to be in SanFransisco tomorrow. Dad wants to meet with me."

I didn't envy him. His relationship with his dad had been shit ever since he slept with his stepmother last year.

"Good luck," was my only response.

He shot me the bird and headed back towards my parents' house.

Grinning, I went to my truck and climbed inside. I still couldn't believe he stupid fuck had slept with his step mom. Even if she was only three years older than him. Last I heard, she want his step mom anymore. And the pre-nup she'd signed left her night and dry.

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