Kyle is Confussed

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Kyle's POV

I'm getting a bit confused about what i am. I don't know if I'm either bi or gay. But the only person that is making me confused about this is Johnnie. He has those dreamy blue eyes that you can get lost in. The black scene hair, how it fits him so damn well. His silly personality makes me like him even more. Wait, who am I kidding? I don't just like Johnnie, I love him. But the girl that is making me think I'm bi is Alex. Her beautiful blue long hair is so soft. Her beautiful silver/brownish green eyes. God, i might just be bi but still not sure if i am in love with Alex. I know that Johnnie really loves her so i might have a bit of hate on her. I already know they had sex so that made me have hate on her but she is just so beautiful and cute. I think i should kiss her just to see if there are sparks or not. But Johnnie on the other hand might kill me. But Johnnie should be mine but i might like Alex too. God, I can't make up my mind!!!

So, i have decided i will kiss Alex but Johnnie will be out of the house so that will give me some time to run for my life till he would cool down. I now just have to make this happen. Oh wait, i will ask if i can talk to Alex on a walk and take her to a park and tell her I'm having girl troubles with my 'girlfriend'. That would be perfect. I will go and do that now. There is still light out so she wouldn't be scared when i leave her there at the park.

I walked out to the living room. "Hey Johnnie, can we talk in the kitchen for a second?" I asked him. "Sure." He said and walked with me into the kitchen. "So i have been having troubles understanding my girlfriend and i want to know if i could talk to Alex about what should i do on how she is acting." I said a bit quickly. "Sure, i bet she would help you a lot." He replied without hesitation. He must really trust me and Alex. He should trust Alex, but not me. "Thanks." "No problem." He said and we both walked out to the living room. "Hey Alex, can we go on a walk, i need advise for something." I asked her. "Sure." She answered and we left. Once we were at the park, i sat down on a bench and motioned her to sit next to me. "So, i need help on something." She nodded her head, telling me to go on. "Well, uh, i like this girl, but i don't know if it is a small crush or love. And i know how much you love Johnnie and you know what love is, if you could explain it to me a bit, if you don't mind?" I asked. "Oh, well, for me, love is like, you put them before you. You will always be there for them through thick and thin. You would be there at their worst and their best. You would like them for their everything, not just one thing. Even if you knew them forever, each day you like them even more. Each kiss still gives you goose bumps. And there is so much more that you can't even explain. You can never explain how much you love them. That is what love is to me. Did that help you?" When she finished, i gave her a hug. When we parted from the hug, she said "are you ok?" and right there and then, i kissed her. She pushed away and started to cry. She got up and screamed at me. "NEVER DO THAT AGAIN! I just like told you how i felt about Johnnie and you kiss me? HELL NO!!" She then running back to the apartment. I ran quickly to a hotel and got a room. Soon as i entered the room, i shut the door and locked it and all im thinking is if im going to live after i did that. Well, i felt no spark so yea, i guess I don't love Alex. So for now, i am gay i guess.

Hey, sorry i was soooo long. Life just happens you know? Well even tho i am so depressed, i know i have to right this and that is what i love to do. I will try to get the next chapter out by tomorrow and if I don't, i am sorry but you know, life happens. Well stay happy not crappy, lifes a bitch dont quit, and peace out thugpugs!! I love you all.

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