My life so far

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I hate planes, there noisy, smelly, cramped and no matter what you always get seated next to that one person everyone dreads. That one person who won't stop talking to you, even when you have made it pretty clear you really don't want to talk to them. They asked you where your from, where your going and why your going there. You think they cant get any more annoying, that is until they fall asleep. The type of person who snores, whistles, talks and drools all at the same time. That's the person I'm sat next to right now, honestly I preferred him when he was awake, actually I preferred him when he wasn't here. Planes! Why am I on a plane you ask. Well lest see it began...

Flash backs from the last fifteen years of my life.

I was born in Italy, I weighed 7 pounds and eleven ounces, I had tight curly auburn hair, soft tanned skin with a few freckles and light peacock blue eyes. Life was good from what I remember right up until I was about five. My mam had started drinking and my dad tried to run away with me, but my mam had other ideas she filed for divorce and when it was official she ran away with me to England. When I was seven my mam died of alcohol poisoning or livers disease. After this I was passed from orphanage to orphanage till I was ten. This was the point when my grandma Sheila took me in or Gramps as I like to call her. She had a huge farm in the English country side. It had cows, sheep, pigs, chickens, ducks, horses and our dog Cowboy. Every morning I would help her clean and feed the animals. When I turned twelve she bought me my own horse. He was a stallion. He was a golden colour up till he knees from there he faded into grey and then black, his nose, tail, and main where also black. He didn't have any markings apart from the one on his left shoulder. It was black and in the shape of a half moon. That's why I called him Crescent. My gramps taught me to ride and everything.

I'm fifteen now and recently my gramps passed away. Not quite sixteen yet it was against the law for me to be left on my own. I was given two choices the first on being stay in England and be put back into the adoption system or move back to Italy and live with my father. I refused both at first but when I realised I really didn't want to be put back into the adoption system I decide to go to Italy. I wasn't stupid though, I had some of my own conditions. All the animals would go to good homes that I approved of the house would be sold to nice people who would love it as much as I did and I would get to keep Cowboy and Crescent who would be safely transported over to Italy. After my farther had agreed to theses conditions it was then and only then I would come and live with him in Italy. He agreed and here I am on this nightmare of a plane about three hours away from my dreaded destination...

"Hi my names David I'm from Cumbria, where are you from?"

"England". I answered with a hint of sarcasm. "I'm going on holiday to France where are you going?"


"Why you going there? Are you going on holiday to?  Aren't you a bit young to be traveling by your self? Where are your parents?"

"To live with my dad(Marcus), no it's not a holiday, no I'm almost sixteen, my mam's dead, my Gramps just died and I didn't want to be on this bloody plane in the first place so will you please shut your mouth and just leave me the hell alone!" I shouted anger building up inside me. After this he never spoke to me again. I felt a little bad for shouting but he really was getting on my nerves and I was taught not to talk to strange men so I thought it was for the best. And just when I thought he couldn't get any more annoying because he had finally fell asleep, I was wrong he could get more annoying. He snored, talked, whistled and drool all at once. Not a second sooner after I had fallen asleep I was woken up by the flight attendant. "Thank you for traveling with British airways we will be arriving in Italy shortly, please make sure you collect all your belongs and exit the plane in a sensible manner, thank you". I fell back into my chair and sighed.

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