Incantaions For Creatures Of The Deap

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Mermaid Powers

Mermaids have power over all four elements theses are water, air, fire and earth. You may not notice your powers at first but they are there and are normally triggered by danger or stress. Using your powers at first is difficult and you have to practice and concentrate but once you have got the hang of it, it becomes natural. Keeping a healthy diet of salt and fish help you to control and strengthen you powers along with the moon.

This was what was in the book about mermaid powers along with a drawing of what each power looked like and what you could do with each element. The next thing in the book was the basic stuff about being a mermaid.

Being A Mermaid

The first thing you need to know about being a mermaid is to never let anyone know what you. This must be your most import rule. Being a mermaid also means when you are in contact with natural water you will change. Water that has been cleaned or tampered with will not cause you to transform although you do have power over it. To keep healthy and to keep your scales nice you must have a healthy diet of fresh fish and salt and being in natural water helps you skin and scales and it also helps to treat injuries. The full moon over a special moon pool is what gave you this special gift, although you should be carful on a blood moon as it will take your powers away until you return to the moon pull on a full moon. So if you do not like what has happened to you then you are able to get rid of it.  Being in the moon pool on a Luna eclipse will make you a mermaid forever and once you have chosen this there is no way of reversing it. Thought it's always good to have in your mind that a moon pool has the power to choose whether your worthy of its special gift. So if you at first think you can't deal with it don't give up your moon pool chose you.

A moon pool can only belong to one mermaid at a time although they are others out there. Once a mermaid dies the moon pool is again ready to be used. Visiting your moon pool often helps to keep you bonded to it. The walls in your moon pool will probably glow when you touch them and with the right spell you are able to change the stone into anything that can be used in medical remedies. Other mermaids are allowed to enter your moon pool and if the mermaid hasn't been worthy of the gift or is at risk of sharing our secret with the humans then it has the power to take their powers away blood moon or no blood moon. You should look after your moon pool by regularly watering down its walls with natural water, salt or fresh.

Each mermaid has a different coloured tail and the colours indicate the mermaids status. Every mermaid that is born into a mermaid family starts with a plain brown or black tail. Over time the tale changes colour unless of cores the child is to be dark. On average a mermaids tail gets it colour at age 10. A mermaid that is turned in a moon pool will instantly get there colour. No human is at risk of being turned if it believed it will be a dark mermaid. If you tail is any of theses colours, pinks, purples, greens, yellows and reds you are just a normal mermaid citizen. If your tail is a mix of different blues or if its a sunset colour then this indicates that you where turned in a moon pool and are their for special as you where turned for a reason. Finally if your tail is a gold or pearl colour then it means you are royal. If a mermaid becomes a royal their tale doesn't change but any kids they have will have a mixed tail. If your a dark mermaid then your tail will be black or brown and will never change. Normally if you have a black or brown tail you will feel a strong pull towards the dark kingdom and eventually you won't be able to resist it.


1) Invisability Spell
Four elements bound,
I call on thee,
To make me what I wish to be,
Invisible is what I wish to be,
Please let my power sink into me.

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