The Oceans Secret Kingdom

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I woke up and I was surrounded by four walls one of which had a door in with a small space too look through. I pushed my self up using my back agains the wall to support me as I still felt a little light headed. Once the felling had gone I swam over to the door and flipped up the visor. I looked to the left and to the right, two guards stood at either side of the door bare chested and sword in hand. I banged on the door with my fists. "Be quite mermaid".

"You tell me where the hell I am and why the hell I am here or I will snap your neck like a clam shell!" This time I banged my tail against the door and it shuddered. "Your in the Royal mermaid prison and your bait".

"Bait, what the hell dose that mean?!"

"Your bait, we need you in oder to be able to catch them".


"The runaway prince and princess".

"Tell me what their called". I banged my tail against the wall again frustrated by all the vague answers I was getting.

"Prince Niklaus and princess Rebekah". At this I went completely silent. I suddenly felt light headed again and I slid back down the wall. A tear rolled down my cheek. "What will the King do when you find the?" I asked my voice quite. "Niklaus is to be put to death and Rebekah will be put in jail for her treachery". I gasped, no I couldn't let this happen. I sat for hours in silence, my mind was racing. What could I do, I really wanted to help them. I thought about escaping and going to warn them but I didn't even know where I was. My mind was racing so much that it lulled me to sleep.

Suddenly I was up pacing backwards and forwards in my jail sell. I remember a spell I had seen in my Gramps book. It was a telepathic communication spell. Wants you cast the spell you are always able to telepathically communicate. I needed to think of a way of distracting the guards. I pepped through the visor and there was a cell opposite me. This cell only had steal bars on the front. This was my chance. I concentrated on heating the bars of the cell. Suddenly they began to steam and then they began to melt. The guards didn't realise as they where to busy playing what I now called clams. The bars of the cell where down and out swam a mermaid. She had a brown tail and red hair. She swam past the guards and up a seat of stairs. The guards sprung into action and where hot on her tail.

As soon as they where gone I began chanting. "Four elements bound, I call on thee, To send a message, To the mind, Of he or she, Wherever it is that they may be". At first nothing happen. So I tried a different tactic. I pictured a sheet of paper with my name on it and then I said the spell again. "Four elements bound, I call on thee, To send a message, To the mind,  Of he or she, Wherever it is that they may be". The paper in my mind was now on fire and it puffed into this air. I waited for a while and then there was a voice in my head. "Klaus! Can you hear me?! Klaus!

"Nadia it's that you? It's Klaus?"

"Oh my god it it worked, Klaus can you hear me?"

"Yea, yea I can hear you what's wrong?"

"Stay away from the water Klaus there onto you, please Klaus don't go into the water".

"Nadia where are you tell me now?"

"No I know you will try and save me I can't".

"Nadia Rose Quinn tell me where you are this instant!"

"I don't know all I know is that I'm in a jail cell".

"What jail cell what kind of cell".

"It's a roya... The guards are coming back I have to go".

"Nadia!" I heard him call my name just before the guards returned. They had actually managed to catch the girl I helped escape. She was thrown back into her cell and the guards quickly mended the the steal bars. They turned and my cell door was unlocked. I was dragged out by my tail. "Ow let go of me!" I moved my tail up and down with force but they where really strong and there grip remained firm. I was dragged up the stairs and down a series of gold corrie doors.

Suddenly I pushed into a large gold and pearl coloured room. A large merman was at on a gold and red felt chair. He had green eyes and brown hair. He was tanned and when he smile one side of his mouth curled up further than the other. He resembled Klaus. "Kneel before the King!" One of the guards shouted at me pushing me down by my shoulders. "Leave!" The King screamed at his guards and they scurried out of the room. I cowered slightly fearing the worst. Surprisingly when the guards left the Kings demeanour changed. "You may rise my child". Slowly I rose so I was again swimming upright. Hovering in the water. "Hello I'm King Stefan it's a pleasure to meet you miss..." He paused for me to fill in my name. "Nadia your highness, Nadia Rose Quinn and the pleasure is all mine".

"Well we sure caught our selves a very well meandered mermaid didn't we".

"I learned from the best sir".

"Did you now, and who is this you speak of?"

"Well of course your son your highness".

"He is not my son!"

"Hmm yes actually now come to think of it he seems much more respectable than you!" I spat. He looked shocked at my sudden change in attitude. "Maybe I was to quick to judge".

"Yes like you where to quick to judge your son!"

"He is not my son he's a dark one!"

"No he is nice and kind and would be a better King than you will ever be!"

"How dear you offend my leadership!"

"Your leadership is rubbish!" I spat literally this time my saliva landing in front of the Kings desk. "For your treachery and rudeness towards the King I hear by punish you to death".

"Go ahead see if I care one less mermaid for you to boss around, let's see what happens when you lose a mermaid with a blue tail!" I shouted. This caused him to fall silent. I watched as his eyes looked at my tail from tip to waist. Clearly he hadn't realised that I was a mermaid formed from a moon pool. "You have escaped your fate for now but as soon as you have completed your destiny I will have your head". I huffed and the King called his guards to take me back to my cell.

Back in my cell I slid back down the wall. I couldn't stop my self suddenly floods of tears sprung from my eyes and I sobbed in my cell. Then I heard a voice in my head. "Nadia it's okay I won't let him hurt you where on our way".

"No!" I cried, in my mind of course. "Klaus no he will kill you, you must forget about me, leave me!"

"I will never leave you Nadia I..."

"Don't say it, when you say it you makes it real and I don't want it to be real knowing I will never see you again".

"You will see me again I promise, where coming for you Nadia and I do I love you Nadia". Then he was gone.

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