The Battle and Destiny

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We seemed to be really far away from the castle now. We had been swimming for almost a day and we hadn't come across a single bit of land yet. Niklaus's tail is again slowly starting to go black so me and Bek's where constantly on the look out for Ray plant. We where swimming amongst a pod of dolphins when I spotted a head of a merman hiding behind a dorsal fin. "Ambush!" I screamed and Bek's was instantly at my side. "Where's Nik?" She asked worry in her voice, panic showing on her face. I turned around to see Niklaus being dragged away by over five mermen. "There!" I pointed. I took of after the mermen leaving Rebekah behind in my bubbles.

I was only able to keep up with them for a few minuets. I stopped giving Rebekah a chance to catch up. "What have you stopped for go after them!"

"I am, let me concentrate".

"Oh". She realised what I was trying to do. My eyes where closed and the image of the castle was in my mind. I chanted the spell really loud using my anger and worry to fire my power. "Four elements bound, I call on thee, To teleport me, To where I wish to be Either on land or in sea". It worked instantly and me and Bek's where transported to the castle where we lay in ambush.

We didn't have to wait long before we heard Niklaus shouting. "Un hand me I am the prince!" He was yelling. We heard the guards and knights shouting. "Quick grab him!" I peeked my head over the boulder that I was hiding behind and somehow Klaus had managed to pull him self free of the Kings knights. He was now holding a sword. He was fighting against six guards. Rebekah had also drew on her sword and she was swimming at full speed towards one of the knights. I felt useless until a familiar voice in my head. "Hello my child". A tear rolled down my cheek. "Gramps how is this possible? Your dead".

"Yes that's true but you carrying on our mermaid blood line means I can still speak to you from the other side".

"Other side?"

"It's where mermaids or retired mermaids go when they die no matter if they gave their gift up like I did".

"I miss you so much and dad talks about you a lot".

"I know I am always watching you, now your not useless Nadia you can help. You have your own sword and powers all you need to do is channel enough anger and energy, good bye my child".

"No wait gramps don't leave me please!" I shouted but she was gone. I straightened up and charged towards the group of merpeople. I used spell after spell to levitate the knights and throw them away. A knight charged at me with his sword and out of no where my own sword appeared. It was made out of Abalone, pearl and gold. I brung my sword down to his and it cut his in half. The knight looked as stunned as I was. Heads turned for only a second before turning back to what it was they where doing. Knight after knight charged at me but by this time I also had a shield like my sword. I struck each one down in turn. More Knights came from the direction of the castle. Rebekah and Niklaus had managed to overthrow all the knights they had been fighting and they now stood on either side of me. "Nice sword". They both said simultaneously. "Thanks". I said taking hold of Klaus's hand and squeezing it tight. I nodded to the both of them and we charged.

The three is us against over one thousand trained knights. Though still we defeated knight after night. Though we did have a big problem. The more merpeople Klaus killed the darker his tail became. Then out of the corner of my eye I spotted the King and Lorenzo watching the fight play out in front of them. Thought they where closely watching Niklaus, why though? It was then that I realised the this was their plan all along. They wanted him to kill more people so he would become more dark. I turbo swam towards Klaus grabbing hi, and turning him round behind me before he had a chance to kill another merman. I took the merman down who he had been fighting. "Nadia what are you doing let my kill him!"

"Klaus calm down they want this to happen, they want you to kill more people because the more people you kill the darker your tail becomes!"

"What!" He shouted and looked down. His eyes widened and then become normal like he had just realised something. "It doesn't matter I already have the worst type of blood on my hands". Tears threatened his eyes. "Niklaus I'm sure it's nothing bad". I tried to comfort him but it was hard to so while fending of knights. I growled and I formed a protection bubble around me and klaus and a single one round Bek's. I turned to him. "What is it? you can tell me anything I won't be angry at you". I wiped a tear from under his eye. "The murder of a family member is the worst blood to have on you hands". He whispers. "What?" I asked although I had heard him. "I killed my own mother!" He cried. "She died giving birth to me, I killed her".

"Oh Niklaus you can't blame your self for that, that's not your fault".

"It it its because of me that she's dead and my family hate me for it".

"Hey Klaus look at me please Klaus". I took hold of his face and searched his eyes with mine. "My mother died to, she was an alcoholic and I knew about it but still I did nothing to help her when I could have. You where just a baby Klaus there was nothing you could do, hey listen to me it's not you fault okay please klaus let me help...." My protection bubble popped. Before I knew what was happening Klaus had thrown me out of the way and when I turned to see what had happen an Lorenzo had drove his sword through Klaus heart. Everyone stopped. He pulled out the sword and Klaus dropped. "No!" I cried and I instantly formed another bubble around us. Rebekah was there out side the bubble crying. "Nik no, Nik!" I brought down the bubble and pulled it back up as soon as she was inside. Klaus lay in the bubble and I knelt gently down beside him. Rebekah stood over us crying floods of tears. "I'm sorry Nadia I tried". He crooked. "No don't leave us!" I cried between sobs. His eyes where slowly closing. I pulled him to me and my lips pressed against his for the very first time. He kissed me back. I could fell his increased heart rest against my chest and the is stopped. I felt his lips slacken against mine. Gently I load him down. "No!" I cried and now I was in floods of tears too. Rebekah knelt down next to me. I took her hand and squeezed. I quickly glanced up as people all over where gasping. Lorenzo's tail was black as coal. Then a bright light was suddenly shining from Klauss lifeless body. I had to shield my eyes the light was so bright. The light was gone but still people watched in amazement at what was happening before them. Slowly but surly the black started to fade into a pearly gold colour.

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