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I sat at the shoreline waiting patiently for Rebekah and Emmett to arrive. My tail shimmered under the suns rays and my bikini top sparkled. My necklace was hung gently round my neck and my piercing in my belly button looked like a drop of water reflecting the colours of my tail. The tell tale sing of there arrival was the ripple of the surface of the water as a pod of dolphins beached them self trying to catch some fish. I quickly grabbed a fish and bit into it. Rebekah popped up her head and hauled her self out onto the sad. "There's no elegant way of doing that is there?" I laughed. "Nope". She said popping the p. I smiled and dried my tail. She was also on her feet, way faster than I was and before I knew it so was Emmett. "Hi Emmett how was the journey?"

"Long and tiring, but this one always manages to brighten my day". I laughed at him. Rebekah stuck her tongue out at me. I smiled and gave her a wired looked. "Come on I will show you to your room, oh and welcome to my beach".

"Thanks Nadia". She smiled at me and we walked up the beach.

I stepped through the back door and into the kitchen with Bek's and Em behind me. My dad was sat at the kitchen table and he looked up from his book when he noticed our presence. "Hey dad, this is Rebekah and Emmett. Guys meet my dad. Marcus".

"It's nice to meet you both and congratulations". I smiled but suddenly I was felling sick. I looked at Rebekah and she raises her eyebrows at me. "You okay you look pail?"

"I fell...". I wasn't able to finish my sentence as I almost through up all over the floor. I only just managed to make it to the toilet in time. I heard Rebekah run after me. "It's nice meeting you Mr Quinn!" She called to my dad as she ran after me. She burst through the door closing it behind her. "Are you okay?" She said in an funny tone as she had her fingers over her nose to block out the sickly smell. "I think I must have ate a dodgy fish". I sad grabbing some toilet roll and wiping my mouth. I pushed my self up by leaning against the sink. "Oh my god Rebekah you left Emmett with my dad!" I burst out of the bath room but stopped my self in the door way. My dad and Em where sat at the table laughing. They seem to be getting along. "Are you okay Nadia?" My dad asked showing some concern. "I'm fine, bad fish". I commented. "Come on Emmett I will show you to your room". I turned rolling my eyes at Rebekah as I did so. She laughed and they both followed me up the stairs. I showed them to the last spare room. "Thanks Nadia your a great friend". Bek's said before pulling me into a hug. "Your welcome". All of a sudden the sickly feeling returned. "Erm Rebekah I think I'm going to be s...". I through up in my mouth.

I rushed up to my room and into my on-sweet. I spat all the liquid out of my mouth and in to the toilet. Rebekah came running in. She looked at the contents of my stomach that was in the toilet. I looked at her expressions, that were changing. First she was confused then she looked like she was thinking. She gasped. "You didn't eat a bad fish Nadia".

"Well what else could it be, I never get ill like ever, ever". Her face lit up and she screeched doing a random dance while muttering something to her self I couldn't understand. "What? What is it?!" I asked becoming inpatient. "What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing's wrong with you Nadia your pregnant!" She half shouted. "What?!"  I managed to choke out. "I said your_".

"I know what you said but what?!" She laughed at me and pulled my up by my hands making me dance around in a circle. "Oh my god I can't wait to tell Nik".

"No!" I screamed. This made her stop her silly dancing. "Why?"

"We don't no for sure and if I am I'm the one who's going to tell him".

"Your defiantly pregnant I have a special gift but if you don't believe me...". She trailed of. She pushed me onto the bed by my shoulders and left the room. It only took her five seconds and she was back with a small box in her had. She passed me the box and I caught it in one hand. "Go now, go pee". She ordered pushing me into the bathroom. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I sat on the toilet. I was so nervous. I didn't know how to fell about this, if I was pregnant how would I tell Klaus, wait never mind Klaus how would I tell my dad. I sat biting my nails. I covered the pregnancy tester as I couldn't bare to look. I flushed and walked out of the bath room. "Well?" She asked one eye brow raised. "I haven't looked yet". I said handing her the test. Her screaming and jumping up and down was confirmation enough. I fell back onto my bed and breathed out. "What's wrong aren't you happy?"

"I am I just wasn't expecting it , I mean I'm only 15 what's my dad going to say, he's going to think I'm a disgrace of a daughter who got nocked up on the first day of meeting some one".

"One you've known Klaus for a month in mermaid time, two you didn't get knocked up, and three your going to hurting her feelings".

"Who's feelings?" She pointed a long finger at my stomach. "Hers". I looked at her confused. "I told you I have a gift I can tell when someone's pregnant and I can tell the sex,  so yes your hurting her feelings".

"Don't tell anyone yet please, promise me".

"Okay I promise". I smiled and hugged her. Now I was excited. I danced and screamed. We both screamed while holding hands and jumping up and down in circles. We fell back onto the bed at the same time and laughed. "So..." She said standing up and grabbing a pen and some paper of the top of my drawer. She sat back on the bed with her legs crossed. "So...". I said so she could fill in the gap. "Well you can't just leave her without a name". I looked at her. "You want me to come up with names your joking  aren't you, when I was six I told my mam that I wanted to name my baby Tink's as in Tinkerbell from Peter Pan". She laughed and then smiled at me. "You where six not 15. Now come on names I will help". I nodded and began to think. After about twenty  minutes we had come up with ten different names.

Baby Names
1) Luna Rose
2) Ebony Rose
3) Frances Rose
4) Cilia Rose
  5) Elizabeth Rose
6) Tatia Rose
7) Dahlia Rose
8) Malia Rose
9) Hayden Rose
10) Ormer Rose

"Okay so now pick your favourite three".

"I don't know which ones do you like?"

"I like Malia, Luna and Ormer".

"You would wouldn't you, only because you choose them". I laughed. "I think my top three are Ebony, Elizabeth and Hayden". She smiled. "Okay but you might want to hide this". She handed me the paper and pen and I quickly placed it under the floor bored. She looked at me funny and then gave me a devilish smile. I smiled back at her in the same way and we both laughed. "Oh I forgot to mention Nik is coming on the day of my wedding don't ask why I don't know why he just doesn't come earlier".

"It's okay after all he is the King now". She sighed and left the room. I was exhausted. Finding out that your pregnant really tires you out. I climbed under my bed covers and slowly I drifted to sleep.

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