The one

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[Contiued from last chapter]

Someone pushed my hair out of my face and I was now looking into theses gorgeous deep green-blue eyes. They had blonde-brown hair with hints of ginger, their skin was only very very slightly tanned and he must have been around five foot ten. As soon as he spoke my heart melted and I new he was the one. "My apologies I didn't see you there". He seemed to have a strong accent but I couldn't tell where from. "It's okay, I'm Nadia".

"Pleasure meeting you Nadia, my name is NiKlaus".

"Nice meeting you too". I smiled and turned to put my books into my locker. It wouldn't open. I pulled on it again and again. I huffed. "Here let me help you". I jump because I didn't think he was still there. This made him smile and he had that smile where one side of his mouth curled up further than the other. I smiled. "This should be my locker it says right there". I pointed to the number at the top of the page. He nodded. "Your not from around here are you?" He asked. "No, well yea kinda I mean I was born here but I moved to England along time ago". The locker clicked and the door opened. "How did you...?"

"When you get a new locker you have to type the default code in first then you can set it to your own".

"Thanks". I put in my own code, the date I became a mermaid to be precise. As I did it he looked away, that was unusual normally people are very nosy. I placed my stuff in the locker and turned around. He was staring at me necklace. "Forgive me but your necklace is quite enchanting may I ask where you got it?" I froze what could I say erm when I became a mermaid it just appeared. "I erm..."

"My brother isn't bothering you is he, he dose have a tendency to annoy people". A girl with bright blond hair and sapphire eyes asked me. "No it's fine".

"Niklaus leave the girl alone and stop drooling you look like a dog waiting for dinner". He gave is sister a hard look. I smiled and she held out her hand. "Hi I'm Rebekah". I took her hand and shook it. "Nadia and hi".

"So want us to show you around?"

"That would be great thanks". I followed her and he brother down the hallway. They showed me where each of my lessons where. "Look your in some of my lessons and some of my brothers".

"Cool so is it good her?"

"Well as good as high school can get so I'm my opinion not great especially if it's anything like the other schools I have been to". I laughed, "How many schools have you been to."

"We have been to about twenty five different schools in total our family moves around a lot".

"That sounds like fun getting to visit all them different places".

"I suppose. Well I must go to lesson I will see you two later". Wait what I quickly looked down at my schedule. I looked up at Klaus. "You don't talk much around your sister do you?" I asked as a means of breaking the awkward silence. "No I normally just let her do the talking. So we have art first are you coming?"

"Sure. How old are you?"


"What you don't know how old you are?" I joked with him. "Hilarious, I'm seventeen you?"

"I will be sixteen in four weeks".

"Well happy birthday for four weeks".

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