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John and Mary pulled up to the school and walked Dean in." Come on Dean," John said holding his year old brother Sam as Mary grabbed his hand and they walked them." Hello welcome to my class. I'm Miss M. Who are you?" She knelt in front of Dean." Dean!" He smiled." Nice to meet you dean. Would you like to play with some of the other kids?" She asked and he nodded. She grabbed his hand and walked him over to a table with two kids there." Guys this is Dean. Dean this is Charlie and Castiel or Cas for short." She let go of his hand and he smiled at the two." Hello," they said in unison before laughing. Miss M walked over to the parents." We'll be back later. Can you tell Dean Sam is in the daycare across the hall?" Mary said and she nodded. They smiled and waved by at Dean before leaving to drop off Sam." Do you have a brother?" Charlie asked." Yea, his names Sam. He's one." Dean said." I have two brothers and a sister. Gabe Michael and Anna. Charlie lives with me so she's a sister" Cas smiled at Dean. Dean took a piece of paper and a crayon, beginning to draw." She's cute." Charlie pointed to a girl with brown hair." Dean,Charlie likes to joke with the girls and kiss them on the cheek." Cas laughed. Cas grabbed a white piece of paper and a pencil. He began to draw." What are you drawing Cas?" Dean add trying to look." Hold still." Cas said and hit his hands on his cheeks and holding his face still." Me?" Dean questioned and Cas nodded. After a few minutes Cas smiled at the picture. He gave it to Dean." It's you," Cas smiled." Cas it looks exactly like him," Miss M gasped." It does. You could be an artist when you grow up." Charlie said. Cas nodded." Yep," Cas smiled. Cas got up from where he was sitting and hugged Dean and charlie." We're going to be best friends." Cas smiled and they all laughed." I almost forgot. Do you like DC of MARVEL?" Charlie looked at Dean seriously." DC." Dean nodded and charlie hugged him." Welcome to the group. I'm the queen and you shall be my other knight." Charlie stood up and guestered to herself before Cas and Dean." Dean. You're mom said she loved you and Sam is across the hall." Miss M said to Dean and He nodded." what's you favorite food?" Cas asked." pie yours?" Dean asked." burgers." Cas said." You two should be a couple," Charlie suggested. Dean smiled and sat next to Cas." what do you say cassie?" Dean smirked. Cas turned red and nodded. " what's your favorite color," Dean asked." mines blue like your eyes." Cas turned a darker red." green like your eyes," Cas stuttered. the teacher clapped her hands together." lunch time," she smiled. the kids lined up and they walked down into a cafeteria. They grabbed their food before sitting down. " They need pie here," Dean complained. Cas shrugged and took a bite of his burger." at least I get burgers." Cas smiled at the burger." be nice to Dean," Charlie said. Cas put down his hamburger and grabbed his cookies. He gave one to Dean." I'm sorry because I got a hamburger and you didn't get pie," Cas looked at Dean. Dean grabbed the cookie from his hand and opened his milk." I'm sorry you got milk all over you," Dean smiled as he poured it over Cas's head. Cas gasped and opened his milk pouring it on Dean and a few other kids in the process. Charlie grabbed her burger and threw it at cas." food fight!" She yelled. everyone began to throw food until the principal walked in and something hit him. everyone froze and looked at him. Dean grabbed the cookie." I'm proud to vote cas for The Oreo King for the best." Dean stood on his seat and put the Oreo on Cas's head, making everyone break into laughter. the principal pointed to Dean and Cas. Dean hopped down and walked to the principal's office with Cas. when they got there they sat down in to chairs with plastic covering them. Dean laughed at the feeling. about 5 minutes later a tall student from the middle school opened the door." Mikey!" Cas smiled and hugged his legs." what happened?" Michael laughed." He's The Oreo King," Dean smiled." I'm Dean by the way." Dean smiled widened showing his teeth." Michael or Mikey." Michael nodded and turned towards the principal." Mr. Stevenson I'm sorry for what he caused." Michael said." where's your dad and mom?" He asked." on a trip they'll be back in a few days and our uncle Balthazar is at work." Michael explained. then the Winchesters walked in. their eyes widened." hi mom and dad. this is Cas and Mikey." Dean guestered. They nodded." I'm The Oreo King." Cas smiled and Mary laughed." Cas you're an adorable Oreo King," she smiled. Cas laughed." this is just a warning or strike one." Mr Stevenson said and they all nodded." let's get you guys some new clothes." Mary said and walked them out. They walked into the bathroom and reach into a stall. They walked out of the stalls and smiled." can we make this yearly?" Dean questioned and Cas nodded. Dean pulled a marked from his pocket." lift up your shirt" Dean commanded and Cas did so. He uncapped the marker and wrote DEAN OWNS THIS. Cas shivered." here your name." Dean said and gave Cas the marker before pulling up ." Cas wrote. OREO KING OWNS THIS. he laughed and gave Dean the marker. They grabbed their clothes before handing them to the higher beings." Higher beings we are grateful." Cas and Dean bowed before running to class. when they got in, they went over to Charlie." warning?" She asked. They nodded." what did you write?" Dean whispered." OREO KING," Cas laughed in his ear. Dean gave him the face." what are you guys talking about?" Charlie wondered. They pulled up their shirts and she laughed." let us see you arm." Dean said. She put arm out and on one arm was Dean and the the other was the OREO KING." we're going to do this every year." Cas told Charlie.

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