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The boys were fast asleep by the end of the movie so Tyler and Darren scooped one boy each in their arms and carried them to Leo's room upstairs.

I stretched my arms and legs which had got stiff after remaining still for the last two hours.

I glanced at Owen and was once again taken aback by how depressed he looked. He seemed to have lost weight, or maybe it was the extreme pallor of his face and the dark circles around his eyes that gave me that impression, I wasn't sure, but it broke my heart to see him like this.

"Is there anything I could do to help you feel better, Owen?" I called out to him.

He had a faraway look that told me that even though he was physically here, his mind wasn't with us right now.

I was about to cross the room to see if I could reach to him when Landon stopped me.

"There's nothing you can do, Poppy..." He said and his voice left no room to arguments.

I sighed.

I was so freaking tired of being left out, especially when whatever they were all hiding concerned me.

"Why don't you or Ty tell me what this is all about, then?!" I snapped.

His eyes were full of pity as he stared at me in silence and I almost lost it because I knew exactly what he was thinking at that moment.

Owen is family, you're not...

I huffed.

"You know what?" I shouted. "Go to Hell! All of you!" I stood up and was half-way to the door when I heard Landon say, "Tell her already. She needs to know, Man. We'll all get through this together."

When Owen ignored him, I sighed.

"Don't worry, I won't forget again..." I said more determined than ever to follow through with my plan. "Give me two or three more weeks and Nate and I will be gone..."

"Like Hell you will..." Tyler growled in front of me.

"Right." I interjected blankly. "I thereby officially let you know that I'm going to retire to my little deckchair for the night..." I announced and was about to walk around Darren and him when Darren stopped me.

"Question one: What happened between movie time and now?"

"Owen's and then Landon's refusal to tell me what Tom and the entire world but Nate and I, seems to know, is what happened..." I replied coldly.

He grimaced.

I tried to reach the door but he stopped me.

"You're NOT sleeping outside tonight." He stated and I knew he wouldn't change his mind about that.

"Where shall I sleep then?" I enquired as calmly as I could in spite of the circumstances.

"With Ty..." He said with a look that dared me to argue.

"And what else will His Majesty request from me?" I interjected insolently. "Shall I maybe give him a lap dance or one of those blow jobs Owen seems to like so much?!" I paused. "Maybe I should do just that! Yeah! That's a good idea, don't you think?!"

Right as I finished, Owen made a strange gurgling noise and we all turned to him. He looked green and just about to be sick.

"Land..." Darren said to the dark-haired boy who nodded and went to help Owen get to a toilet before he threw up all over the sofa, I guessed.

"Question number two: Why do you want to leave?" His blue eyes were studying me intently and there wasn't an ounce of judgement in them.

Maybe he didn't know everything.

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