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Three days later, a brand new white Range Rover Evoque was parked where I used to park my Ford Fiesta, with the keys on the contact when I came out of the first block to go to school.

Owen and Tyler had an early practice today and Leo and Nathan were trying out as late arrivals for the Middle school football team so Landon had driven them early. Both had been over excited at the prospect of making the team and had practiced until late both Monday and last night. Those late try-outs were unusual but their coach had had no choice after no less than five key players got injured the weekend before during the opening game of the season.

So that was how I ended up being the last one to leave and in a way I was glad no one was there to witness the little happy dance I did when I opened the driver's door and hopped up on the comfortable leather seat.

It's Tyler's car. I repeated to myself when I started wondering what I was doing in this beautiful car. As I drove to school, I felt bad about just how much I enjoyed driving it. And when people actually clapped when I came out of it after parking it at my usual spot by the gate, I felt even worse.

I had the impression to have lost a bit of myself by accepting to drive that car. I clenched my hands tightly when some student I didn't know commented,

"Lookie, the Leech's finally shown her true colors..." His statement was followed by more comments like "Well, it didn't take her long...", "I can't believe Christine and Jessica were expelled because of a lowlife like her..." and "I wonder which one she sucked..." so that I was literally fuming when I reached my locker a minute later.

"What's with the long face?" Landon, who'd been chatting with some of his soccer friends asked me.

"Don't want to talk about it..." I mumbled and silently walked around him to get to Homeroom.

I was the first one there so I went to the table that Owen and I had been sharing since the first day and I let out a defeated sigh.

What else could I have done? I thought. Landon had driven me to school Monday and Tuesday already and people had started questioning our relationship.

I was used to hearing them criticizing me or inventing things about me but there was no way I'd let them treat any of the boys the same way.

That was mainly why I hadn't hesitated this morning when I saw the car, because I knew it would put an end to the rumors about me and Landon. Deep down, I thought I also hoped they would finally leave me alone if I showed up with a nice car.

Which was silly. If they'd been stupid enough to complain about my Ford Fiesta ruining the school's image, I should have known they'd never stop at that.

I sighed. And now they blamed me for those two girls' two weeks expulsion when I wasn't even the one who'd gone to the Principal about it in the first place.

No matter what I did, they'd never accept me as one of their own.

Not that I cared, really. No, what I really wanted was to be left alone.

I sighed again.

Two more years... Technically, I'd be eighteen in less than two years being born in November and all, so maybe if things didn't get better, I'd just take Nate and leave before graduating.

I was sure I'd find a school that would accept us even this late in the school year.

I'd just have to ask Mom to fill the papers which would make me Nathan's legal tutor and we'd be good to go.

Two things occurred to me at that thought.

Our mother had still not come to talk to us. In fact, she'd invited some of the guests to spend the week in Rochester to enjoy this year's unusually warm Indian summer.

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