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Everybody seemed to have received the memo about the new girl from Brading High, and I was having my first taste of what being an outcast was like.

With every step, new whispers reached my ears.

"You don't belong, here"

"You'll never be one of us..."


"I hope they get rid of her soon..."

"Go back to Brading..."

I actually agreed to most of their comments anyway. I didn't belong to Rochester and I never would. Money was for me a means, amongst plenty others, something necessary to survive in our society, but for most RP students, money was the ultimate end. It defined people and your relationship with them.

Some girls had even commented on my messenger bag which wasn't worthy enough to be used in their school, and who did I think I was to subject their sensitive eyes to such a gross-looking bag...

I kid you not...

I took a deep breath before entering the lunch room.

A tall but skinny boy grabbed my hand and started imitating the howling of a siren.

I tried to free my arm but he was holding it too tightly, so after a few tries I decided to let him get on with whatever his plan was.

"White trash detected," He yelled in a robotic voice. "I repeat, white trash detected!" He yelled again making me chuckle. "Hide your purses and phones, good students, because you're no longer safe, here..." He finished and finally let go of my arm.

"You should check your pockets to make sure I didn't pinch anything from you..." I told him seriously before joining the line. I chuckled again when he started feeling his pockets.

"Smell that?" I heard the girl behind me in the queue ask her friend. "I bet she bathes in her own piss..." It was followed by loud giggling.

I bought a chicken sandwich, a cookie and a big bowl of cut fresh fruits, and tried to locate an empty table. There were a few on the other side of the room so I headed there.

It was no easy feat since I had to avoid many feet as they suddenly appeared in front of me, undoubtedly to trip me. I was pushed twice but didn't fall or drop anything and when I finally placed my tray on the table near the windows, I let out a huge relieved sigh.

I sat with my back to the wall, hoping it would dissuade people from throwing stuff at me and took a bite of my sandwich.

I checked my phone in case Nate had tried to contact me but there was no message.

When my mind started wandering on mined grounds like my parents or Tom, I decided to listen to some music. I got earbuds from my bag and plugged them to my phone. I selected ALT-J latest album and let the music take me far away from everything.

I was finishing my cookie when Landon sat in front of me. I grimaced and he smiled.

He motioned for me to take my earbuds off. I really didn't want to come out of my little bubble but I guessed it was too late now so I turned the music off.

The silence that followed startled me so I sent a glance around to see what was going on. I felt silly when I saw that all eyes were of course focused on us.

I looked back at the dark-haired boy and studied him in silence. He let me do so without a word which I thought was strange, but there was no animosity in his grey eyes. When he still hadn't said a word a minute later, I lifted one eyebrow questioningly.

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