The Calm Before the Storm

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Well.........since only SkittlesGoMoo1 is the only one telling me whether or not they like it or not I'll post it for her xD Well um you like it? Then please comment. I won't be posting more till I get at least 3 comments sooo yea.


I feel something lightly touch my cheek as I lay on something. A bed. But not my bed. I sit up quick to see Sapphire looking up at me. I look around and see that I'm still in Sapphire's room. I look at her confused for a second but then look at Sapphire again. I swear as they bruises form on her face and neck. She was covered up with a blanket thank god but just above I could see yellowing bruises and some new ones forming. I start freaking out as I remember last nights events. Her dad beating her even probably breaking something other than her ribs and raping her. I take a deep breath having all the pictures of my mom being beaten by my dad.  I rub my eyes to hide the tears and quickly tell Sapphire to get dressed and turn my back when she slips on a light dress. I turn back to her and take her hand. I look at her bruises and think she needs to get to the hospital right away. I start walking with her downstairs when she winces in pain again and again. I pick her up and carry her downstairs to Tony. When Tony sees her he starts freaking out asking if she needed an ambulance. I shake my head and ask to borrow his car. He nods and goes behind the counter to get his keys. I look at Sapphire and see her looking at the stairs thinking something was going to happen.  I was about to ask her when Tony comes back with his keys. I thank him then go out to his car and place Sapphire in the passengers seat. I close the door and get into the drivers side mumbling the entire way. When we finally get to the hospital I pull up to a close parking space and climb out. I take Sapphire in my arms again and feel her wince a little and I immediately regret it and feel like crying again. I bring her inside and go to the front desk and see that the nurse doesnt even look ukp at us from her magazine. I grind my teeth before I feel someone touch my cheek. I look down and see Sapphire trying to calm me down. I take a deep breath and look at the nurse again.

"Excuse me."

"The forms are right there take one and return it"

"My girlfriend needs medical attention now and if you'd bother looking up from your damn magazine you'd see that. Now I dont want to be rude because my girlfriend would get mad at me and I wouldnt want that so stop being lazy and start doing your job"

She looks up and looks right into my black eyes before looking down and seeing Sapphire in my arms. She gasps and then finally picks up the phone like she's actually suppose to be doing then calls the doctors. I look at the doors as doctors rush in taking Sapphire out of my arms. The nurse gives me this look like it was all my fault. I glare at her and she puts her head back down. I follow the doctors while they bring Sapphire to a room all the while she was wincing in pain. They set her on a bed and examine her. When they look at her ribs they give me this look asking if I did it. I shake my head no and they give me a look that they don't believe me. I grind my teeth again when Sapphire speaks up. For the first time since she was injured she says the most comforting words ever.

"He didn't do it I got into a little fight with another girl and lets just say she was much bigger then me"

They look at each other and nod. They fricken believe it. God how dumb could these people be! She's obviously underweight, has bruises everywhere, got rapped by her father and they say she's fine! I dont take my eyes off of Sapphire until the doctor says she's free to go after they fix her rib. I step out of the room and the doctor follows me out. He grabs me by the arm and I look at him raising my eyebrow. He must have gotten my questioning look because he starts explaining that the rib didnt puncture anything and that she'd be alright if she iced it and didn't put any stress on it. I nod and think over in my mind that I will never let her get hurt again. I was so caught up in my mind that I didn't realize that the doctor was asking me a question. I shake my head and ask him to repeat the question.

"Did you know she cuts her ankles?"

I look at him with wide eyes. It brings back the memories of my mom and my sister. I shake my head and lean against the wall as he explains what it means. I sink to the floor as he continues and I don't want to hear anymore. I wanted my life back before I met this girl. I didn't want to relive the memories of seeing my sister with a knife in her hand. I nod as the doctor asks if I'm alright. Sure I was lying but he didn't know that. He expalins that she'll have to see someone about it and by how deep the scars are she's been doing it for years. I nod and I notice he disappears and a new pair of feet are standing beside me. I look up and meet Sapphire's eyes. I give her a weak smile but I know it doesnt fool her. She just looks at me like she's going to cry and she slides down beside me. I wrap my arms around her as I hug her to my chest while she cries.  I feel light tears going down my cheeks and I try and hide them. I kiss the top of her head and tell her everything was going to be alright. Did I believe that? No. Something in me changed and I would be the person she needed whether she liked it or not.

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