Fall: Chapter 16

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Selena's POV:

I was walking around backstage trying to pass the time when I heard shouting coming from one of the hallways, I made my ways towards it and saw Justin stood with two boys. Justin looked up at me and smiled and motioned for me to come over. I slowly made my way over and stood in front of them.

"You shouldn't be shouting mama Jan isn't going to be happy." I said glaring at Justin.

"Oh well, I want you to meet my two best friends from Canada, guys this is Selena Carin's sister, Selena this is Ryan and Chaz." he said pointing each boy out to me, Ryan had light a shaved head while Chaz's had dark looks like I've just woken up from a wild night of sex hair.

"Hey." I said with a smile.

"Hey." they both replied at the same time.

"Justin you never said you had such a hottie touring with you or else I would have been here sooner." Ryan said looking me up and down.

"Don't get any ideas." I said slapping the side of his head.

"Feisty, Ryan likey." he replied biting his lips as he continued looking me up and down. I reached forwards gripping onto the collar of his shirt bringing his face down to the same level as mine.

"I already slapped you, don't make me beat the crap out of you and one more comment about my body and I'll personally bite your dick off got it?" I questioned before letting go of his collar. I noticed he swallowed hard before nodding his head.

"Crystal." he replied as Justin and Chaz stood by laughing.

"Good and you never know you might get one of his rejected fans later." I said lightly tapping his cheek twice.

"Oooowww!" Justin and Chaz both sounded at the same time.

I smiled at Justin and Ryan and winked at Chaz knowing it would piss both Justin and Ryan off and skipped down the hallways in the same direction I came from, "Stop staring at my ass." I called over my shoulder.

"Dude does she have eyes in the back of her head?" I heard someone say. I silently laughed to myself and saw Kenny up ahead. I went over to him and flashed him a slim.

"So Kenneth what made you decided to be a bodyguard to a little dork?" I asked curiously leaning on the wall next to him.

"When Justin first came to Atlanta Scooter called me and asked if I could like mind him while Scooter took care of business and when things started getting crazy Scooter decided he needed a body guard and send me on a course while teaches you about personal safety and that's why I'm here now all because me and scooter go way back." he replied

I nodded because I guess that was a good enough reason and jumped onto scooter's back as he passed, luckily he caught my legs or else I would be flat out on the floor right now, he turned his head and gave me the "why are you in such a good mood look" then turned back to look where he was going.

I knew he was going seeing Carin because he had that look on his face he always has when he knows he's going to be around Carin, it's sweet I guess.

Justin's POV:

I couldn't help but laugh at Ryan after his little run in with Selena, I guess I should have warned them about her but what's the fun in that.

She even winked at Chaz which pissed me off, I guess she really doesn't like me in that way I thought to myself as I made my way towards the stage with Ryan and Chaz behind me.

Ryan hadn't said anything since Selena left more so because I think he's scared to say something in case she's around and he's says something wrong.

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