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Today is my last day here in Japan. The last time I'll see them in two years. I walked into the empty classroom. I sat in my specified seat, sighing. My last day together with my rainbow. Clapping snapped me out of my trance, I looked up and it was Aka-kun. "Aki-chan daijobu?" he asked worriedly. Nodding, I smiled at him. "You're sure early today. You're usually the last one to get through the door." he teased. I giggled and hit him playfully but stopped when I remember the reason that I'm here early. "I have something to tell you but... let's just wait till everyone arrives." I whispered.

He stared at me curiously. "Ehhhh! Akashicchi and Akicchi are alone and whispering something. Are you trying to take advantage of Akicchi, Akashicchi?" Ki-chan's voice echoed throughout the room. "Ki-chan you're annoying..." I spat playfully making Ki-chan anime cry. I giggled at him making Aka-kun and Ki-chan laugh as well.

The door is opened and in walked Midori-kun and Murasaki-kun. "What's with this racket..." Midori-kun complained. "Ohayo Aki-chin." Murasaki-kun yawned throwing me a packet of my favourite strawberry pocky. "Arigatou Murasaki-kun." I smiled happily catching the packet in my hands.

"Seems like everyone's already here, I told you we're last Aomine-kun." Kuro-chan's monotone voice stated walking into the room with Ao-kun and Momoi trailing behind him. "Tsk, whatever." Ao-kun replied uninterested. "I believed you Kuroko-kun!" Momoi exclaimed clinging onto Kuro-chan. He looked away uninterested, met my gaze then smiled. "Ohayo Dai-chan." he greeted happily. "Morning Kuro-chan and I've said this so many times already but call me Aki." I sighed but then smiled at him.

As Kuro-chan walked up to me Momoi jumped in front of him and smirked. "Hello Daiko." she snarled. "Ohayo Momoi." I hissed back glaring at her. "Not this morning please Aki..." Ao-kun whined walking in between the two of us. I chuckled guiltily as I scratched the nape of my neck. "Gomene Ao-kun."

I moved up to the front of the classroom getting everyone's attention. "So since I'm up here, I have something very important to tell you guys. So please don't cry... or anything like that." Everyone started staring at me concerned. "Remember that school I applied for? Well you guys didn't know this but the school happens to be in-" I was cut off by Aka-kun. "America. The school's in America." I stared at him and nodded. "That's right and it seems that they've accepted me and they need me there... tomorrow." I informed them of the situation.

They all gazed at me with a look of either sadness, disappointed, anger or a mix of them. "Congratulations Dai-san..." Kuro-chan murmured. I smiled sadly at him and I noticed a death glare coming from the left of the room. I glanced over at Ao-kun and that happened to be where a furious aura was coming from, a enraged looking Ao-kun glared at me.

"What the fuck! She's going to leave us for America and all you can say is congrats?! Why the fuck didn't you tell us earlier?!" Ao-kun shouted furiously at me. I stared at him sadness and guilt overwhelming me, tears threaten to fall but I held them back. "Why? Aki, why?!" Ao-kun screamed at me grabbing my shoulders and shaking me. "Stop it Daiki!" Aka-kun ordered sternly. "No! She deserves it!" Ao-kun shouted glaring at me.

"He's right Aka-kun, I deserve it." I muttered with a fake smile plastered on my face. "I only found out a few days ago Ao-kun, gomen..." I murmured. "Well, since it is Akiccchi's last day, let's not be gloomy about it ne?" Ki-chan offered walking up to us. A tsk comes from Ao-kun silencing everyone. "I knew I had bad luck today..." Midori-kun whispered to himself.

There I was standing in the middle of the airport departure place. I dragged my suitcase along the airport's smooth tiles, walking to my gate with minna behind me but Ao-kun; he didn't show up, figures. I stood in front of the gate and scanned my eyes over my best friends who were all looking at me with depressed expressions. "I'll miss you and I promise that I'll be back..." I fake smiled at them. Murasaki's long arms wrapped around me hugging me. "I'll miss you Aki-tan..." I felt my feelings overflow and tears ran down my cheeks. "I'll miss you more." I hiccuped. I wiped my tears away with my hands but they just kept flowing. Everyone approached me and gave me a group hug even Momoi... and she hates me. "I'll miss you guys so much!" Aka-kun's hand wiped my tears away as I told them how much I'll miss them. "We'll be waiting..." he smiled sadly. They all let go looking at me with sad smiles. "Tell Ao-kun I'll miss him and I'll be back." I stated before giving them one last look.


The One Who Completed The Rainbow. (Kuroko no Basket/Basuke)Where stories live. Discover now