Chapter Twelve

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Today was the first day of the actual Winter Cup. Before this the team was training up in the mountains with Kagetora-san, Riko-sempai's father. Their father daughter relationship was really cute because Kagetora-san cared really deeply about her and is very overprotective. Oh yeah, everyone but Taiga-kun was training with Kagetora-san. Taiga-kun went back over to America to train with his master. And that's kind of the reason why he isn't in Japan right now, even though the opening ceremony was starting in like five minutes. Gosh, I bet the guy forgot about the time differences between America and Japan.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I reached down to grab it. Putting the phone to my ear I said, "Hello, Aki speaking." "Afternoon Aki-chan. Come over with Tetsuya, I've sent you the whereabouts." Aka-kun ordered. The call ended leaving me with the beeping afterwards. "Kuro-chan, we gotta go." I tugged on Kuro-chan's sleeve. Kuro-chan nodded understandingly but Riko-sempai and the team didn't understand. "You can't leave, you guys are gonna be late." Riko-sempai uttered stopping us. "We've been summoned, we'll be going whether you like it or not." I announced grabbing Kuro-chan's arm and pulling him in the direction of the meeting point. "Summoned?" I heard her whisper questioningly. Kuro-chan followed behind me and behind Kuro-chan was Koganei-kun who was told by Riko-sempai to tag along with us. Not exactly the best of ideas.

We made our way to the destination and I could see us getting closer because colours were becoming more vibrant as I progressed. "Wow Tetsu, you have a chaperone with you?" Ao-kun commented, spinning the ball with his finger. "Mine-chin has Sa-chin as a chaperone too." Murasaki-san added not realising that I was also with Kuro-chan. "Hey, leave Satsuki out of this." Ao-kun grumbled as he continued spin the ball. I clutched my chest as I coughed of course going unnoticed by them."Wait, Midorimacchi, why do you have scissors with you?" Ki-chan questioned Midori-kun who was cleaning his scissors. "It's my lucky item of course, stupid." Midori-kun answered. "Sorry for the wait." Kuro-chan apologised. "Yo." I greeted so that they would finally notice me.

Their heads turned to look at me. "Akicchi!" Ki-chan squealed jumping up onto me once again stuffing his head into my chest. Sighing I ran my hand through his hair, "Must your face always land in between my breasts?" "Sorry." He mumbled into my breasts before removing himself. "It's fine. At least someone appreciates me." I smiled patting him on the head. "Daiko-san, you shouldn't spoil him like that." Midori-kun glared. "Aw, Midori-kun. You're just jealous aren't you?" I teased moving towards him and hugging him into my chest. His face went completely red and Ki-chan's jaw dropped. "Aki, you should stop before Midorima faints." Ao-kun interrupted. I released Midori-kun from the hug and glanced at Ao-kun's expression. He was obviously jealous. Hah, you don't get the sacks of fat today son.

"You're just jealous because these" I stopped and primped my breasts "don't belong to you anymore." I finished smirking. I felt a switch flip in him because next thing you know he's holding me by the collar of my hoodie that conveniently, was the one he gave to me. "I never wanted your skanky ass anyway, slut." Ao-kun sneered before pushing me to the ground. My knees got scrapped which then bleed alerting Kuro-chan, Ki-chan and Midori-kun. "Akicchi/Aki-san/Daiko-san!" The trio exclaimed in unison. I put my hand up signalling them to stop and not help me. "Daiki, you do know you can go to jail for that." Aka-kun's voice said out of nowhere. "It's fine Aka-kun, I don't feel the need to press charges." I told him pushing myself off the ground.

"Sorry, I've kept you waiting." Aka-kun commented moving to stand next to me. "You know, if you're going to summon us Aka-kun, you should be here first." I grumbled making my way over to stand next to him. "Sorry Aki-chan." He apologised sarcastically, kissing me on the cheek whilst patting me on the head. "Aki, Daiki, Ryouta, Shintarou, Atsushi and Tetsuya." He listed which kind of pissed me off because it was in order of strongest to weakest, basketball wise. "I'm happy to see you all again. The fact that we're all gathered here is very touching." I sighed, I didn't know if what he felt was genuine or sarcastic. "But there's someone who shouldn't be here. Right now, I only want to talk to my comrades. Sorry but, can you please leave?" Aka-kun glared in Furihata-kun's direction. I knew he shouldn't have come.

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