Chapter Six

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I awoke the next morning with a text message from Riko-sempai.

To: Me

You're no longer manager of the team, I don't understand why this is but that doesn't mean that you can't come to the games right? If you want to, come along to Kaijo with us :)

From: Riko-sempai

I glanced at my watch. 7:30AM. Eh, I woke up quite early today. Pushing myself off the bed and got myself looking decent. I knew my parents were out already so I called Sebastian to drive me off to Kaijo.

"Ohayo Ojou-sama." Sebastian greeted, making eye-contact with me through the mirror at the top of the car thingy. "Ohayo Sebastian." I replied before looking out the window. The rest of the car ride was kind of a blur, I think it's because I was kind of sleepy. Hands shook my shoulders, moving me back and forth. One of my eyes opened and stared sleepily at the culprit. Okay I'm not that surprised that it was Sebastian. "We're here Ojou." I shot up instantly after I heard that and my eyes found the school sign.

Pushing myself off the seat I rushed out of the car. "Thanks Sebastian!" I shouted before running into the school.

Third Person

A young girl with vivid orange hair hurried into the school. She instantly gained the attention of every mundane that could see her. Aki was wearing very professional clothing. A white dress shirt, black skirt, black blazer, black pumps and a scarf. She wore her hair in a high pony. Majority of the female population from Kaijo glared at the young woman. They thought she was an attention whore for wearing such professional clothing. The boys on the other hand ogled her from head to toe, mentally undressing her and having inappropriate thoughts of her.

Aki stopped immediately after realising that she had no idea where the gym was. Her eyes searched for a guy who didn't look like he would molest her if she was asleep and she found him. "Excuse me? Could you please lead me to the gym?" She smiled warmly at the male. He blushed furiously and nodded, walking ahead.


Man this never gets old, all of these guys blushing for me. I thanked the boy and pushed open the gym doors. My heels click clacked on the gym floor as I proceeded to my team. I could feel all the attention on me and I loved it. Sexy professional girl walks in and of course I catch everyone's attention. "Good morrow Coach." I greeted in a Shakespearean accent. I stopped when I was in front of Seirin bench. I could see that Kuro-chan on court with the rest of the team. Taiga-kun was staring at me with a blush dusting his cheeks, how cute. I waved at him, you know that wave those really slutty girls do? Yeah those waves. "Oh don't stop the game just for me, please continue."

My comment made the teams realise what was happening and they continued playing. Bounces resounded in the gym and I sighed in delight, I've always loved the sound. "Aki-chan! You came!" Coach exclaimed jumping up to hug me. "Yeah sorry for interrupting the game." I smiled sheepishly. I turned back to watch both teams playing. Looking closer, I could see sweat dripping from Taiga-kun's forehead. I frowned and glanced at Kuro-chan who was nearby. He was really out of breath. I know he had always been like this but I think its gotten worse. Taiga-kun's determination didn't provide any positive assistance right now.

"Coach, I think we need to pull out Kuro-chan and Taiga-kun." She glanced at me and nodded in compromise. The referee blew the whistle and called a time-out.

Stepping towards Taiga-kun, I covered his eyes. "W-what are you doing?!" He stuttered, nervous at the sudden contact. "Calm down Taiga-kun" I ordered calmly, "Breath in and out." Taiga-kun shakily exhaled and then composed himself before inhaling. "Are you calm now?" I whispered. I felt him nod and so I removed my hands from his eyes.

He stared at me once I had removed my hands. I gave him a one of my rare smiles. He stared at me completely wide-eyed and continued staring for a minute straight. I felt a blush almost come into my cheeks and I broke our eye game. I turned my back and I could almost feel Taiga-kun blushing from the atmosphere. Kuro-chan was also staring at me, I'm guessing it's because I used that technique. I sighed at I recalled the memory.


I pushed past the crowd and made my way down to the courts where Ao-kun was enraged. Hugging him from behind I covered his eyes. "Aki?" Ao-kun whispered. I nodded into his back. "Calm down Ao-kun, breathe in and out." I instructed in a whisper. He did exactly that, inhaling and exhaling. "Calm?" I questioned. I felt his head move nodding. Uncovering his eyes we faced each other and I gave him a smile. His face moved closer and his lips met mine.

Flashback End

Glumly I let out another sigh and gave Kuro-chan a dejected smiled.

The match had ended with our team winning. 100-98. Ki-chan was crying which made me smile in remembrance. It was just like in middle school when Ki-chan lost to Ao-kun. Playing with Taiga-kun and Kuro-chan made him remember the reason he plays basketball, I can feel it. Ki-chan realised I was staring at him and gave me a bitter smile which I replied with one of my old gestures. With each hand on each side I squished my cheeks together making Ki-chan laugh.

He gestured for me to follow him and waving to Kuro-chan I did just that. "So Ki-chan, how does it feel to lose for the first time in ages?" I wondered. "It feels crap but at the same time it's feels great." Ki-chan explained. I grabbed both his cheeks and squished them together making us both laugh. "Ahem."

We both looked up and our eyes met with a pair of grass green eyes. "Midori-kun, to what do we our the pleasure?" He smirked and then smiled at me but it changed back to a neutral expression in less than a few seconds. "I can't believe that you lost." Midori-kun commented unexpectedly. This made me narrow my eyes and I glared at Midori-kun. "Is there anything else you would like to say?" I glared smiling at him. His smirk widened and he shook his head signally no. "Well since you have nothing to say, we'll be leaving." I grinned dragging Ki-chan away. We stopped once we reached large cherry blossom tree, "Sorry for dragging you Ki-chan, see you soon." I smiled sheepishly before walking off to tutoring.

I was already intellectually rich so I do not understand my parents need to enrich it even more even though it has reached a capacity in which no average sixteen year old would have. Signing I strolled along the hallway until I found my designated classroom. I slid the door and my eyes met with a pair of red eyes.

"Aka-kun?" His eyes bore back into mine, wide in shock. "Aki-chan." Coughing brought my attention back to the real world. Behind Aka-kun was a girl with pitch black hair, I was kind of amazed. Everyone seemed to dye there hair brighter colours but I could tell hers was her original hair colour. "Sorry." I apologised moving aside for the pair to exit. Once the pair left I discovered that there were two other students in our class including Aka-kun and the black haired girl. All of the students in the class were from well known families that my family have affiliated with in the past.

Adams Ryder, his parents are owners of the largest hospitals in the world. He is obviously American and it currently doing a bachelor of science in human physiology at Caltech (California Institute of Technology.)

And the black haired girl is Nakahara Victoria. Her parents own the second largest law firm in Japan, Nakahara Law Firm.

And I'm guessing you guys are wondering what my family does. Daiko Aki, only daughter of the owners of the largest law firm in Japan, Daiko Law Firm. Our law firm ranks third in the world for we are fairly new. 

I studied all evening and ignored Aka-kun when he had come back with the girl attached to his arm like glue. Class came to an end and I exited the way I entered, through the door. No shit huh. A hand stopped me as I was exiting. I knew this was going to happen so I asked, "What is it that you need from me Aka-kun?"

Turns out Aka-kun wanted to talk about hanging out after every tutor class. I didn't object, if anything I was very optimistic about it. I missed hanging out with the whole team and Aka-kun was one of the people I missed hanging out with the most. After the discussion, I left the building and went home.

Looking back to basketball, I'm assuming that Interhigh is around the corner so we're going to be versing Midori-kun's team Shutoku and even Ao-kun's team Touou. I hope Taiga-kun manages to change their mind set and they'll come back to me.


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