Chapter Seventeen

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When people started removing themselves from the party, the GoM had forced themselves to move out of the venue as well. The whole group had expected Aomine to explode, but they were wrong. He was completely uninterested. An apathetic expression adorned his face, making it even more emotionless. "Why does Mine-chin have a cold expression?" Murasakibara asked Akashi whom was standing next to Kuroko. Neither said a thing. Kuroko was about to speak up when Aomine cut him out, "Let's get back to our hotel." He walked off without another word. Making eye-contact with one another, the other members of GoM decided to just follow him and not say a thing. 

In the mansion in which the GoM had just left, Aki laid face down on her bed unable to process any information. Her head rang and rang, disrupting her ability to think. "Aki?" Ryder's voice called worriedly. She didn't reply, she could barely hear him. Ambling into the room, he found her face-planted onto her bed. Anxiety rushed through his veins as he reached out to her, laying her head on his chest. "Did you know?" Aki asked in a whisper. Ryder's heart almost stopped. Aki never spoke in a whisper and hearing her do so right now made his heart squeeze. She sounded so vulnerable. Wrapping his arms tightly yet firmly around her waist he answered, "Yes." The female nodded in acknowledgement. "Do you want be be spouse to me? What about the girl you love?" He held his breath for a second before letting out a gust of air. "To answer your question Aki, I'm holding her tightly with my arms at this very moment."

Aki couldn't comprehend the statement that had fallen out of her companions mouth. How could he love her? They only just met recently. She searched every nook and cranny of her brain for an answer but nothing jumped at her. She felt like she had searched everywhere but she didn't. There was a section of her brain that was blanked out. It was pitch black. Not a single this lay there but a miniature door. It was not visible to Aki. But the door was slowly creaking open. 

Forcing her body to move into a position where Ryder and herself were making eye-contact, Aki asked him, "How is it that I have no recollection of this memory?" He had told her previously that the woman he loved had made a promise with him. To spend there entire life together, for the rest of eternity. "I'm not that surprised you don't remember. In fact, you shouldn't remember a thing." 


A young child ran for her life as she was being chased down. Her locks of orange hair gleamed when the sun hit it as she ran. She came to a stop, placing her petite hands atop her thighs. 

Another young child happen to be approaching the same area as the orange child was currently standing. The male pushed the branches of the tree aside, walking further and further away from the direction he came. He could make out a little mob a orange glimmering from afar. Curious, he proceeded in the direction.

The miss managed to catch her breath and she lifted her head up to look at the glorious sun whom was ready to go to sleep. "Excuse me?" A humble voice called out to the young girl. The female jumped up back on her toes and was prepared to dash off once again. A hand gripped her right shoulder and she let out an ear-piercing scream. When the young boy realised that she had starting screeching, he slapped his hand over her mouth and shushed her. 

"My name's Ryder, nice to meet you." The girl registered that the person was not a threat and put a stop to her screaming before placing her hand out, "I'm Aki."

The pair bonded and before they knew it, the moon rose and it was time for them to say goodbye. Even thought a few hours had past, the two felt like it had been an eternity. They never had any friends their age before let along friends at all. So they made a promise, a vow, an oath. "When we're older, we shall get married and live happily ever after." 

Flashback End

She still couldn't remember even after his explanation. But she was never one to break promises, she has never broken a promise and she never plans to, ever. "It's my pleasure to be your spouse Ryder; and as I promised years ago, I will marry you." She looked at him right in the eye. With her right eye but her left eye seemed to trail off otherwise. 

Going unnoticed by Aki, Ryder caught a glimpse of her left eye looking somewhere else. He chuckled and his hand gripped her chin. Bringing it up to his face, he softly placed his lips on hers. She was about to act in reflex and push him off but their oath echoed within the walls of her brain. Their lips stayed attached for a while until the male homosapien broke the kiss. "You should get to sleep, goodnight." Ryder smiled, pecking Aki on the forehead before picking himself up and exiting the room.

To the GoM, Aomine laid on his bed with his arms crossed over his eyes. Kuroko popped into the room to check on his previous light. His shoulders were slumped and yet he could still put them over his eyes. "Aomine-kun, you're not going after her?" He got no reply. Kuroko faded away and left Aomine to his own thoughts. 


Why do I even care? Why do I care if Aki's engaged? I thought I loved her, but please. I just like her because she's hot. Her boobs, her ass, her legs, her face, her eyes, her lips... She's not even that hot. But I know someone even hotter. Satsuki. Satsuki's books are way bigger than Aki's. Yeah that's right. Fuck Aki, I'll just date Satsuki.

I ripped my phone from underneath my pillow and dialled Satsuki's number. "Dai-chan, what's wrong?" She asked worriedly. I smirked, she's worried. This just shows that she's better than Aki. She cares. "Be my date to Aki's wedding."


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