Chapter Three

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To: GoM

Dai is back.

From: Kise Ryouta

In the regions Kyoto, Akita and Tokyo, fives phones rang simultaneously.

Akashi was the first to pick up his phone and examine who had messaged him. He glanced at the time and then back to the name of the messenger, Ryouta. He looked down below Kise's name and read the message. 'Dai is back.' It said. Akashi's eyes widened and he stayed like that for a view seconds before smiling to himself but then it changed to a solemn expression.

Second to pick up their phone was Midorima. He paused his procedure of wrapping his fingers and reached out for his phone. He looked at the message and instantly dropped his phone, grabbing attention from his hyper teammate. "Shin-chan, you dropped your phone!" Takao exclaimed. Midorima completely ignored him letting the information from his phone sink in.

In the cafeteria of Yosen, a tall purple haired male was munching on a bag of potato chips. He stood up to go buy more making his phone fall off his lap that he previously forgot was there. "How annoying." He whined before picking up the device and looking at the screen. His oily fingers switched on the phone and he viewed the message and almost choked on his snack. 

At Touou, Momoi was fourth to check the message. She was holding onto both her phone and Aomine's as he was practicing. As he was chugging down water, Momoi approached him. "Dai-chan! We have a message from Ki-chan!" She told him as she stopped next to him. "Hm?" Aomine's turned his head down to look at her. Momoi cleared her throat and looked down at the phone to read the message out loud. "Dai is back?" Momoi started off cheerfully but her voice turned into a whisper by the end of the statement.

When the information finally processed in Aomine's brain, he spat out his water and started coughing furiously. Momoi's eyes widened in alarm and pat his back to comfort him. Aomine's coughs subsided and he snatched his phone from Momoi's hands. He didn't want to believe what the young pinkette had just said, he need to see it with his own eyes. His eyes scanned over the message and once he was done he threw he phone to the floor, smashing it to pieces. He stomped out of the gym, furious. A shocked Momoi followed him out.

The last person to open the message was Kuroko. He looked at the message and sighed. "Kise-kun, Dai-san is going to kill you." Kuroko mumbled to himself.

At Seirin, the basketball team had just finished their first practice with their new manager, Aki. "Good job today guys!" She exclaimed. There were mixed replies ranging from thank you's to shouts in agreement. Aki ran up to Kuroko and tapped him on the shoulder. "Wanna hang after school?" She suggested with her signature grin. The pale haired boy nodded in agreement. "Cool. I'll wait for you outside." She told him, before running into the locker rooms to grab her bag and ran back out to said good bye to her coach. After doing so, she waited outside of the gym for her pale haired friend.


I whistled to myself as I waited for Kuro-chan. I really wanted to go and get one of those icy poles we would always get back in middle school. Gosh those were the days. Sighing, I grabbed out my phone to check for any messages. To my surprise there was a message and it was from Ki-chan. "Dai is back?" I whispered to myself. I saw that it was sent to our group chat from years ago, GoM. I felt anger surge through my body. Oh he is going to die the next time I see him. "Dai-san?" Kuro-chan's voice questioned. I turned to face him and his facial expression changed immediately. He knew exactly what I was feeling and I had a feeling he knew exactly why I was angry. "You found Kise-kun's message didn't you?" He asked, he didn't even really need to ask the question because he already knew the answer.

Sighing, he started walking off. I followed behind him. "So how's life been without me?" I wondered, walking along side him. "Everyone's changed." He told me. I nodded understandingly and skipped ahead to the convenience store. "Let's get one of those icy poles!" I exclaimed. I rushed into the store and bumped into someone making me fall back. "Ugh. Watch where you're going." I grumbled rubbing my head. "Daijobu Dai-chan?" A high pitch grating and yet familiar voice. I looked up to see who had called my name but it seemed that the call wasn't aimed at me but the ultramarine haired male that had bumped into me. His head moved up and we made eye contact.

3rd Person

When their eyes met, Aki felt drawn to him. The deep ultramarine hues drew her in, as if pulling her into the deep, dark ocean. She felt chills run down her spine as she continued to stare deep into his deep hues. Aomine stared back at the female with crystal blue eyes. They were as clear as the clean waves that rolled into the sand. Looking like waves were one thing, her eyes also looked like the sky. Clear, clean and beautiful. He noticed another twinge of something in her eyes, but he couldn't pin point it. They stared at each other for what felt like forever before a penetrating voice broke their moment.

"Daiko?" The voice asked shakily. Aki looked up to meet a pair of disgusting pink eyes. She choked on her own saliva and forced herself up. "Dai-san?" Kuroko's voice questioned. Aki's eyes shot in Kuroko's direction and signaled him to help her. Kuroko immediately took in the situation and hurried to help Aki out of the store. When she could stand she rushed out of the store and weakly grabbed her phone from her back. She dialed her servant and requested he come and pick her up immediately. As she was going to walk off, a roughly soft hand grabbed onto her wrist.


I felt my heart rate continue to accelerate more and more. "L-l-let me go!" I shouted completely petrified. His hand wouldn't let go and I continued to shake my arm violently in hopes that he would let me go. My pulse increased rapidly and I could feel my breathing get heavier and heavier. My eyes were blurred and I couldn't see anything. I blinked quickly hoping to blink the tears away but it back fired and the tears slid down my cheek instead. "P-please let me go!" I whispered panicking. His hand released my arm and I rubbed my wrist still afraid. I breathed in and out steadily calming myself down. I glimpsed at his facial expression and he looked completely horrified. My head turned in hopes of finding my car but it wasn't here yet. Speak well thinking of the devil, the familiar sheek black car pulled up about five meters away from my stationary position. "I'll see you tomorrow Kuro-chan." I told him before rushing into my car and shouted orders at my butler Sebastian. (yes, Sebastian.)


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