Chapter Sixteen

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3rd Person

Puffs of vibrant coloured hair merged into a corner of the gigantic ball room. Chatter thrived within the hollow area filled with a range of people young and old. They were all waiting for the belle of the ball. The birthday girl. Staff fluttered in and out of the room, bringing in food and drink. Everything was set.

The colossal doors were pushed open with a big creak. This gained the attention of every single person in the room. The belle strutted in, her heels clicking with every step she took into the room. Aomine could help but stare at her. She was breathtaking. If he wasn't mistaken she had gotten more gorgeous over the duration of time she was away. Beautiful barely touches the surface. She was exquisite, pulchritudinous. She tapped down the staircase gracefully. People flocked at the feet of the stairs gawking and gossiping about how beautiful Aki was.

Aki like her agile made it through the crowd with a smile adorning her face.

She sighed as she paced around the room greeting every person in sight. Aki was happy that everyone had come to celebrate her birthday but she wasn't having fun. She felt lonely. The room was filled with more than a thousand people.

Finally she stopped in front of her favourite group, the GoM. All of them were present except for the pink haired female which made Aki's grin widen in the slightest. She was nearly there, nearly standing next to them. Just a few more steps was all it took. But an arm grasped hers and dragged her to the centre of the ballroom, the point where all the attention was currently focused. It was her father.

"Thank you everyone for attending my daughter, Aki's, sixteenth birthday." He announced garishly. In response, every single person standing within the room applauded. Aki stood there frozen sandwiched in between her mother and father. Then something crossed her mind. She was sixteen. Sixteen, the age in which she promised to get married. "We also have another announcement." Mother continued disdainfully. Murmurs weaved through the crowd with mixed thoughts.

Nobody had a clue as to what the surprise could be. Even Akashi didn't know, the emperor did not know.

"I am proud to announce that my daughter Daiko Aki will be married to Adams Ryder on new years day." Aki's father proclaimed. The room was silent for a split second before it burst out is chatter and applause. No one was expecting that for Aki was only still very young. This shocked even the self proclaimed emperor, Akashi.

The heroine didn't move an inch. She was completely frozen in shock. Before this the thought had entirely been banished from her brain. The other shocked person was Aomine. He was almost in the same situation as she was except he could not conceal his feelings as well as she did. Aki was holding her professional expression. Aomine on the other hand was completely furious. He had only just gotten her back and she was taken again? He was so furious and yet he couldn't react. It was like he was used to her being taken away. He slumped into an apathetic state. 

"We'll be having the wedding ceremony at the Pavilion. We hope you can all attend this amorous event alongside both of our families." 

The chatter dragged on and on until eventually the party was finished and the guests all left. Aki gave up. She who was known for being strong and persistent, gave up. She didn't want to fight her birth givers any longer. It was too much. And she surrendered and agreed to get married on New Year's Day. 


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